Dad Is Anyone Watching? 😻
Everyone should be careful and self custody their Crypto, and Cot is no exception!😺
“Dad, can you hold this lettering punch, While I swing this BIG hammer really hard?”😻
“How about I swing the hammer Cot!”😅😇
Silvertop was anxious to start hiking today!
Our friend Jan was waiting as well…. She was watching Cot, trying to figure out exactly what my furry child was doing with a hammer!🤔
Cot and Dad, have been researching metal stamping our cold storage “Seed words”.
On line I discovered a company called “Crypto Cloaks”. They 3-D print jigs for 8mm X 24MM washers.
Together with a 3 mm, 36 pcs, number and letter stamping set, I can permanently stamp each washer with the corresponding position number, and the seed word.
I found that stainless steel 304 washers are rust resistant, and fire resistant to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cot is doing an excellent job stamping HIS cold storage “Seed words”!☺️
“ Cot, we are all headed to Towhee Ridge, don’t smack your claws while we’re gone!”😇😊
“ I won’t Dad….. Jan didn’t see any of my Seed words did she?”😻
“I think you are good son, Jan only buys stocks Lol!”😇
Keep hiking….. and keep stacking Sat’s my friends!😊
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike😊