RE: Could my uploaded memories make me immortal?
Hi. Thanks for the comments.
I guess I will eventually publish stuff I produce in other languages, but there is no stress in hoarding readers or getting rich by publishing here.
If I want to get something out there and make some money, I will just publish it on Kindle and merchandise it on my accounts on facebook and Linkedin, where I can potentially reach some 14 or 15k followers. Also, I don't really need to make money with my hobbies, as I am a well established professional with a very good income for the average of the country I live in.
My being here is but a way to explore my hobby amongst people who share the same interests as me and to possibly exchange ideas with people who are a step above the users of other platforms in what it regards seriousness and capacity to interact by themselves. What interests me most is that this is a social platform that seems to attract people with original thoughts that don't waste their time plagiarizing other people's ideas and, in effect, make life difficult for copycats and those guys that just go around looking to extract a quick buck out of everybody else by posting some dumbshit stolen out of wikipedia or out of someone else, or something they did in 5 minutes with the help of AI that's worth zero in terms of quality and originality.
So... More readership is not really my goal. I rather have better readership. My ramblings on languages was based on the idea of making my stuff available to more of this good people and not to turn it into a kind of marketing move.
I don't really care how many people read what I write. What I care is not being robbed out of the rights I earn with my hard work and to be read by people who appreciate what I write and are capable of having an intelligent discussion about it.
Steemit is a difficult platform to master for someone who just wants to troll around and doesn't really have the numbers to make any one writer famous, so, I guess you can plainly see that my intentions were not about that.
On another matter, thanks for the idea to get all the texts under the same tag. I now believe that to be the easiest and, probably, most effective way to do it, as you just have to list that tag from the most recent to have them all perfectly serialized.
So, my friend, few or many, what I like is to have good readers and I'm very happy with the ones I've met since I got here, so, I'm sure to stick around, no matter what the rewards, and even if there are none. I'll be perfectly happy as long as I have interesting people to talk to.
Have a great weekend.
When I made my comment, I wasn't so much thinking about earning money. It was more the experience that some newcomers write good posts but get little response. In my opinion, comments are very important here, that's what I wanted to get across. For example, I'm only writing to you because Chriddi commented on your site, otherwise I wouldn't even know you existed ;-)
Have a nice weekend too!
Sure. And that's the way it should be. And I'm very happy to have met you.
I hope I haven't sounded like I was over reacting to anything you said. I just wanted to get my motives across. Anyway, I may have misread your comment. Sorry if I did.
Chriddi is cool. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have known you existed, either.
Have a really great weekend.
Steem on!
In fact, I was a bit surprised because you seemed to be referring my comment more to the rewards and I had new contacts in mind. But one goes hand in hand with the other, so it's all good.
By the way, I think it's a small miracle that we can communicate at all, because it's not always easy from mother tongue to mother tongue. As I don't speak English fluently and am even less confident with English spelling, I type my comment in German at DeepL to get it into English. And you are supposed to understand the gibberish that comes out of it - a small miracle if it works ;-)
Kein Problem und kein Wunder nötig. Sie können jederzeit mit mir auf Deutsch sprechen.
Meine Großmutter war Österreicherin, daher ist Deutsch eine der Sprachen, die ich seit meiner Kindheit spreche.
Ich bin nicht sehr gut darin, aber ich kann es schaffen.
Siehst du... Ich bin ein Köter, :D
Ein Viertel Österreicher, ein Viertel Franzosen, ein Viertel Portugiesen und ein Viertel Marokkaner.
Ich bin in Portugal geboren, also identifiziere ich mich als Portugiese, aber ich komme von überall.
Ich verfüge über eine unglaubliche sprachliche Flexibilität.
Fühlen Sie sich frei, in Ihrer/unserer Sprache zu schreiben. Es wird mir helfen, zu üben.
Steh auf! :))))
Wow, unter diesen Umständen - und deinem Wunsch, frei in anderen Sprachen, die du beherrschst, zu schreiben, lade ich dich ganz herzlich in die Community Deutsch Unplugged ein!
Habe gerade wenig Zeit, diese Gruppe weiter zu „erklären“, aber das könnte sich doch noch ergeben… :-))
Wichtig ist nur die Freude an der deutschen Sprache und ein selbst verfasster Text. Das packst du, Pedro!
LG Christiane
Guten Morgen chriddi.
Vielen Dank für die Einladung.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich auf Deutsch frei schreiben kann. Darüber habe ich nie nachgedacht. Ich werde es versuchen, ja! Warum nicht?
Vielleicht mache ich es später heute, oder morgen.
Du kannst die Gruppe später erklären. Kein Problem.
Schönes Wochenende,
Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um Erklärungen. Ich habe gerade den Hinweis oben auf der Seite gelesen. :))))
Ich vergaß, dass es so etwas geben würde. :))))))))
Steem on!
Ach ja, den Hinweis-Artikel gibt es ja auch noch. Die Kurzform von einer laaangen Geschichte, die - aus der Verzweiflung gewachsen - etwas Großartiges hätte werden können bzw. geworden ist... ;-)
Bei der Ansprache untereinander setzen wir auf dieser Plattform übrigens auf die 2. Person singular, also "du". Wie der
begabtedeutschsprachige Multilinguist sagen würde: "You can say you to me!"... ;-)You find your way and with low SP you can read and save the links. It is what I did and still do plus piles of notes. Next to that I write offline. Before more than today. I had easily 20 stories to post.
There are platforms for writers (Reedsy) and once November there's NaNoWriWrite. Also cool. In the past Steemians joined as well.
There are passionated writers and for sure you find them.
Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely check those out. I don't know if I have the time for two platforms, but I'll give it a go at checking those out.
I did go look at the sites and they are impressive and look cool, but not for me. Those are sites for aspiring writers, and it seems to me that the purpose is for one to go and get a work published. I really can't do that, as I have a contract with a publishing house in Portugal that binds to give them first choice of publication of any commercial works. I've been working with them for 30 years, ever since they published my first technical book on "The metallurgic process for cast chrome prosthetics", and they have published all of my scientific works and then, my book "Diferencialismo", a political science essay, and my poetry books.
I'm just looking for an outlet for my occasional ramblings and people who are keen on discussing the sort of stuff I write. I'm not interested in writing deadlines nor in breaking any contractual commitments while doing it. I'm just looking for a spot where I can have fun while doing what I like, with no pressure.
I started to reduce my professional commitments to three days a week and need to keep my sanity and maybe, find some new friends. I believe, for the moment, steemit is enough for that. I can always buy steem if I run out of SP.