Sunshiny Day!............. NW Cascade Wanderings
The day began at church with Spirit filled worship and an anointed sermon. I really love Sunday mornings! 😇
Once home, after doing a couple things around the house, we set out for Costco to return the 12 battery cores. Our solar arrays are back up and working! 😎
Costco was seriously busy-I guess everyone in Bellingham and lower British Columbia had the same idea-shopping! It had been a while since we had purchased our usual items, so it was a much needed trip.
Once done, it was off to Starbucks. Our regular barista was there-we’d not seen her in a few weeks, and she has no problem making our coffees HOT!🥵 Nice! 😊 The balance of the day activity wise for me, was the stationary bike.
However, on the way home, I took some photos of the area. An eagle’s nest; we actually have quite a few in the area. They are easy to spot because they are absolutely huge!
I also like silos and barns. We have quite the assortment around as well!
The forecast was for cloudy skies but instead we were blessed with some sunshine!
There were some times that the blue skies and sun would disappear, but only for a little while.
The best sun and cloud pictures though were as we were heading home.
It was a nice day! That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and have a blessed week ahead! Enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏
NLT Psalm 68:3-4
But let the godly rejoice.
Let them be glad in God’s presence.
Let them be filled with joy.
Sing praises to God and to his name!
Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds.
His name is the LORD—
rejoice in his presence!
Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app
@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH