Happy Friday!............. NW Cascade Wanderings

Happy Friday everybody!

Friday is the countdown day for the weekend, and when the workday is done, it’s officially the weekend!

Both Yana and myself were very busy at work today. I’ve always got more technical stuff to do, but I watched her fall behind in her filing duties and various other things throughout the day. Today was also “ break your glasses if you’re a kid” day. We must have had close to a dozen orders for replacements from the state Medicaid program. It was almost unreal!

The day is done and all the stuff left over is waiting for next week at this point. It’s not going anywhere. 😏

It’s been raining cats and dogs here, especially this morning and it’s been windy. You can tell from all of the cedar tree’s bracing boughs that are all over the ground. It sort of looks like a rust colored carpet.

Here’s some seasonal pictures to enjoy!

There won’t be too many of these guys out and about except maybe in the middle of the day if it’s sunny.

I was at the library returning a book, when I spied this. It was almost as tall as me and was breathtaking in the intensity of its color.

That’s gonna be it for today. Tomorrow, we’re heading to Stoney Ridge for their fall festival. Should be fun! Take care and enjoy the weekend! 🙏🌎🙏


Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH