Evening Skies............ NW Cascade Wanderings

Happy Friday Eve everybody! 😁

Yes, tomorrow is Friday and I can’t wait. I especially look forward to the four o’clock hour when the clinic closes. I do enjoy Fridays!

Although today was an afternoon only appointment day, I was busy from the time I got there shortly after 8 AM until I left just after 5 PM. When the doc arrived, he let me know he was ill. The thing is, it sounds ‘chesty’ and I’m suspecting he should have stayed home in bed. He says he will be there tomorrow although again, I think he should rest. There’s also the fact that the staff and patients are all being exposed. I wondered yesterday if he might be coming down with something but it’s the beginning of allergy season and I figured that might be the issue. Hopefully he has a recovery tonight or at least isn’t contagious and I hope that my coworker and myself stay healthy as well as the patients he saw today. 😳

After I got home, it was another round at the LOH contest entries and cycling for me. I searched my archives and settled on evening sunset photos. Enjoy!

This one is more of a late afternoon one.

The prettiest is for last!

That’s gonna be it for today. Thanks for stopping by; take care and enjoy the rest of your evening wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏


NKJV Proverbs 21:23

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue
Keeps his soul from troubles.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH