Steemit Learning Challenge S22 W2: Keeping fit / Cardiovascular exercises

in SteemFit & StayFit3 months ago (edited)


Right before now, I've always been a fan of workout programs of which I've been used to lunges, stretches,and the likes, but this teaching challenge has exposed me to something different that can be integrated to make my workout programs in real life very accommodating, timely, on watch, and also bear results. You get to see your activities and check your heartbeat. For this week's cardio exercise, which has to do with the heart, I feel it's very timely and informative, and with the aid of a reader, I could check my pulse in a minute or so.

This week was slated to focus on cardiac arrest, where we perform activities that increase our breathing rate and heartbeat. These techniques stated in the teaching course were practiced at home with my workout outfit.

You are going to perform techniques 1, 2 and 3 at home. You should do the exercises on two days, alternating with a day of rest. For example, you start on Monday, rest on Tuesday, and do it again on Wednesday.

Working on this routine, I started out on Tuesday, rested on Wednesday, and continued on Thursday, two alternate days with a day for rest. I'll explain in detail how I was able to accomplish these three programs starting from the Stationary Trot

My outfit for the program includes;

Not too loose t-shirt and shortsWhy loose? Wearing a tight-fitting dress makes me uncomfortable for this type of program because it would make my breathing rate flow well. I'll feel that uneasiness breathing, and my chest would be so tight, making me give up easily during the workout programs. So wearing a not-too-loose t-shirt makes me free and allows circulation of the air channel from the body to the lungs and then out of the nose. It won't also restrict my movement in terms of hands and body.
Sport shoes and socksThis is a real sport, and dressing and reading the minds of those watching you that you aren't there for play. Aside from that, wearing a palm or pair of slippers won't be appropriate for jumping jacks as it's not tightly fitted in your legs. It may allow you to channel your mind into the footwear other than the program itself. Wearing socks protects you from the hardness of stamping your feet on a hard surface. These are the clothes I put on. Now to the programs.
Stationary Trot

Stationary Trot is a program that involves full-body locomotion and not just locomotion of some parts of your body. It's a stationary program where you're in one place, but your body parts are moving. You're fixated on a particular place like a box to avoid moving about. Body parts involved in this program includes;

  • Thigh

  • Hands

  • Legs

  • Body [Chest to abdomen]

Now, since we're talking about cardio exercise, how does this stationary row relate or connect the chest to this program? This program is more like jogging or running, but you're not moving from one place to another. You're stationary, but you're jogging, moving your legs up and down and then moving using your hands for support.


While this is necessary, your heart rate will increase, and you'll be breathing fast. You just have to control it to avoid being exhausted throughout the exercise. When your body goes up and down or moves at a particular pace, there's every tendency that your heart will beat faster than normal, especially if you're playing ball, running, or breathing. Your breathing rate will also increase for sure. Where's the area of concentration, or the pain, stress, and strain?

The pain would be felt around your thigh and leg region since you're moving up and down, but the concentration would be centred around your chest region as it balances these movements with a level of speed. I did the exercise for a minute plus, which is more than the repetition required.

I actually did it for the purpose of making this video lengthy since YouTube has chosen to increase the number of minutes per video for visibility's sake. These are the steps I took to do the exercise.

  • You'll stand in a particular place, preferably a box, so you'll not move out of the box. You'll then do as if you're jogging, increasing your pace and reducing it occasionally so you won't get tired.
  • Ensure you're not out of the circle, and that's why it's called stationary. I then took a break and continued when I stopped.
Vital SignsWorth
Pulse91 beats per minute Before - 110 After
Breathing27 breaths per minute - 46 After
Jumping Jacks

This is one program I'm especially fond of and like doing almost on a daily basis because the rate at which my heart beats is different, and it involves jumping. I can vividly remember someone telling me that this program helps in height .

I won't doubt it because it's something I've tried and it worked out. What's the essence of this program. It's a program that helps improve the rate your heart beats and the muscles there in. Strengthening these muscles in the chest and heart region improves the efficiency of which blood circulates from the heart to the body and other parts. In this exercise, you're moving but still almost stationary. It involves some part of your body.


  • The hands and

  • Legs

  • This exercise is done by standing upright and then swinging your hands up in the air while your leg goes sideways too.
  • Once this is done, you bring both legs together at a particular place and then bring your hands up together down to their separate position. This is done consecutively for more than 15 times. While doing this, you're jumping in the process. That's how well you do the program.

The repetition for this is when you go up and down; it is counted as 1. So I did a total of more than 20 repetitions.

The pain was felt or concentrated at the centre where there's a balance in your chest region. The concentration is between the chest region and the airways, while the pain is felt around the hands and leg muscles as you would be moving your hands up and down while your legs are stamped left and right. It wasn't easy. My highest repetition is 200 though, as a fitness trainee.

Vital SignsWorth
Pulse89 beats per minute Before - 97 After
Breathing29 breaths per minute - 50 After
Jumping with an imaginary Rope

Since we're expecting to do techniques 1-3 at home, these are the video demonstrations of the programs. The next program is jumping without rope or skipping without rope. This is also stationary, though, but it involves movement of the body and concentration around the wrist.


It still involves jumping, and your heart rate is directly involved, as you'll be panting at some point in time. This program helps improve the rate flow of blood flow in your heart and improves the chest region that houses your heart. This program is almost a replica of jumping jacks, but it's done differently.

  • This is more like skipping but with an imaginary rope. You just assume you're skipping, and you're moving the rope with your hands, but there's no rope.
  • While skipping, you're jumping up and down so you won't press the rope down or get injured, though there's an imaginary rope. I did several repetitions, and my heart rate for each exercise changed because of the pace at which they were done.
Vital SignsWorth
Pulse86 beats per minute Before - 92 After
Breathing24 breaths per minute - 40 After
Video Demonstration

Make a chart like the one I'm going to show you below. There you will write down your vital signs before starting the exercises:

For Jumping Jacks; We were required to do two sets of 20 reps each with a 10-second rest for each set.

Day 1

Vital signsBeforeAfter

Day 2

Vital signsBeforeAfter

For Stationary Trot; We were required to do two sets of 30 seconds each with a 10-second rest for each set. I did more than she because of the length of the video involved.

Day 1

Vital signsBeforeAfter

Day 2

Vital signsBeforeAfter

For imaginary rope jump; There are three sets of 30 seconds each with a 10-second rest for each set of exercises done.

Day 1

Vital signsBeforeAfter

Day 2

Vital signsBeforeAfter
In your own words, tell us about your experience and how you felt doing the exercises on both days

It's actually been a while since I ran, though I've been keeping fit with some workout programs. Doing this exercise was relieving to me as it helps increase my heart rate and muscles. I didn't feel much pain during the exercises as they didn't involve much on abs. Though I felt pain stamping my legs on the ground and then jumping with endurance to meet up with my target, it was overcome in the subsequent day.

I felt it was as if I was jumping for jumping jacks, skipping for imaginary rope jumps, and then jogging or running for stationary rot. These programs were quite relieving, and from personal experience, I've been used to the movements of my arms and legs; that's why I didn't feel much pain even though I was asked to do multiple repetitions. These are some videos of my cardiac attack programs in real-life routines.

In all, building a strong chest houses a healthy heart and this can be achieved by doing exercises that involve motion on a daily basis. BE STRONG AND HEALTHY. A HEALTHY HEART IS A HEALTHY MIND, LUNGS, BREATH AND LIFE



¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Estos ejercicios han sido tu gran regreso al trote y, te felicito por haberte animado a retomar esta actividad, ya que no está demás realizarlo dos o tres veces a la semana.

En lo personal, amo el trote y, cada vez que veo que alguien comenta lo que disfruta realizar dicha dinámica, me emocionó porque veo que no soy la única que disfruta sus beneficios.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

A big hug as well. Can we interact? Have you ever felt discouraged doing these workout programs and do you just do it for pleasure or you have a physical target you want to achieve?

Hi! It's great that you continue to stay active with these exercise programs and share your knowledge with us :D, I'm not much of a runner, I prefer to dance or do other cardio exercises with music playing in the background, I feel more cheerful and motivated that way.

Have a nice day!

Wow. You have dance videos? I love dancing though and did stop running because I do have increased heart beats which sometimes I find difficult to cope with....

I recommend MadFit's videos on Youtube, she has dance workouts that in my opinion are 10/10✨ Especially this playlist, if your heart rate is too fast, I think you can equally enjoy the shorter ones, check out her channel ;)
