Hi Steemit!
This garden angel sculpture has been with me since I bought my first home in 2004. It was the first thing I got for my garden then.

I have potted succulents in the corner of my tiny front courtyard. The weather around here can be very hot and dry during summers, I find that succulents survive very well on this corner.
A common succulent, this is a Jade Plant. My Mom called it "money plant", and she insisted on planting them all over the front garden of our home. Growing up so used to seeing Jade Plants, I had to have them on the front courtyard of my home too!

If I want to follow my mommie's footsteps, I need to propagate the money plant so that I could populate the entire front courtyard, right?
These are all Jade plants, but the one in front of the photo below is a Hobbit Jade Plant, which my Mom called "Gumby".

This next one is a small-leaved succulent plant Elephant Bush, and Mommie referred to this plant as "Dwarf".

I love this next succulent that has wavy, paddle-like leaves of silvery blue, and it is called "Blue Dude".

I guess what I really want to share with you this beautiful and sublime Sunday is the fact that I am missing family.
I miss being surrounded by family... my two brothers, my Dad, and most especially my Mommie.
I know that they are all looking down on me from heaven.
And I know that my Mommie must be so proud of me that I carried on her love for succulents even if it is just in a small portion of my front yard.
😍 #ilikeitalot!😍
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This original article of @siversaver888 was first published here.
Awesome looking Garden and Plants...
May 11, 2021... 2.5 Hollywood Time...
It's simple.
So many awesome succulents. My parent's neighbor in San Jose, CA. Had a whole backyard full of them, easily over 500 succulents.
Wow, over 500!!! That would be a sight!
Yeah, it was pretty awesome! It seemed like any spare open spot in the backyard had succulents!
Lovely picture, and thanks for sharing @silversaver888.
Thank you. @etiboy!
That's interesting @silversaver888, my Grandmother had a Jade plant as well.
I remember she called it a money tree too.... I always wondered why??🤔