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RE: ❓Steemit Quiz 2025 - Week 11

in NO Community8 days ago (edited)

Question 21


Image taken from the Cuban program The Intranquila neuron

The image suggests a type of musical composition

clue 1

This is a word game in Spanish; I will give you clues to make it easier even if you don't know Spanish.

clue 2

The answer is one of the following:

1. ConciertoConcert
2. SonataSonata
3. Cuarteto de cuerdasString quartet
4. SuiteSuite
5. ÓperaOpera
6. Música de cámaraChamber Music
7. SinfoníaSymphony
8. FugaFugue
9. CanciónSong
10. MarchaMarch

La respuesta esta en la lista que coloque como pista hay letrasque son para confundir

The answer is in the list I provided as a clue. There are letters in the picture that are used to confuse the reader.

Pista 3


Lo que da la respuerta no es lo que esta en lafoto sino lo que falta y deveria estar

Fa fe fi fu


What gives the answer isn't what's in the photo, but what's missing and should be there.

fa fe fi fu

Pista 4

Esta imajen es una imajen

fo fu Fa fe fi

No tiene

A e i o u

Arma la palabra


clue 1

This is a word game in Spanish; I will give you clues to make it easier even if you don't know Spanish.

clue 2

The answer is one of the following:

1. ConciertoConcert
2. SonataSonata
3. Cuarteto de cuerdasString quartet
4. SuiteSuite
5. ÓperaOpera
6. Música de cámaraChamber Music
7. SinfoníaSymphony
8. FugaFugue
9. CanciónSong
10. MarchaMarch

La respuesta esta en la lista que coloque como pista hay letrasque son para confundir

The answer is in the list I provided as a clue. There are letters in the picture that are used to confuse the reader.

Pista 3


Lo que da la respuerta no es lo que esta en lafoto sino lo que falta y deveria estar

Fa fe fi fu


What gives the answer isn't what's in the photo, but what's missing and should be there.

fa fe fi fu

Pista 4

Esta imajen es una imajen

fo fu Fa fe fi

No tiene

A e i o u

Arma la palabra

sin‐fo‐ni‑a → “Sinfonía” (Symphony)


Congratulations, it is correct."


 7 days ago 

Could it be a Fanfarria?

That's not the answer, although it's close.

Fugue de los reyes magos?

 7 days ago 

a type of musical composition

Would you mind clarifying for me please - Are you looking for a composer?

¿How often can I give clues?

Without the clues, it will be very difficult.

 7 days ago 

Reply to your own question with a title along the lines of "Hint" and then add the hint.

Then, update your original question to include the hint.

 7 days ago 

Ministry: I Wanted to Tell Her

It's not a type of musical composition

like, for example:

  • Song
  • Opera
  • March.
 6 days ago 

I am overwhelmed with the hints.
Well, maybe I'm just not focussed enough. Real life is calling me in the form of four little lambs and mums to look after...