❓Steemit Quiz 2025 - Week 11steemCreated with Sketch.

in NO Community4 days ago (edited)

Welcome to another round of Steemit Quiz 2025!

With new questions and prizes to be won every week, don't be afraid to come and join in!


Week 10 was a somewhat disruptive week and I must confess, the unexpected pause has done me a world of good. It's given me time to reflect on how I spend my time on Steemit and how much I've dedicated to it over the years.

Which led me to believing that the structure of the quiz needs to change and open up the ability for everybody to ask questions!

So that's the twist that's being introduced this week!


Everybody can ask questions!

I'll do my best to continue to maintain the question tracker and the teams will continue as they are. There's one key word required now - TRUST. I trust existing players not to share the answers with their teammates and if there's reason to believe that this isn't happening, then who knows? By and large, I'm a patient ape.

If you do ask a question, I ask that you try to include an kind identifier for the question - your own special code. It would also be useful to include a category - as I've mentioned before, the Question Tracker will try to keep up. It also means that I can try to answer some questions - sorry NO team, I should probably remain neutral and play solo.

Please remember to test your questions via Google and ChatGPT - I think you'll be surprised how tricky this is!


👋 We Still Welcome Newcomers

If you're new to the quiz, questions will appear in the comments below and the first person to correctly answer will receive a 100% upvote (worth a minimum of $0.65) and earn themselves a point.

If you answer the most questions correctly by the end of the week, you will get a 10% beneficiary for next week's post and earn a spot in our Steemit Quiz Hall of Fame!

Keep an eye on the Question Tracker so that you don't miss any questions.


🥇 Hall of Fame

I'll roll-over the scores from last week into this week so instead of sharing a 10% beneficiary, I'll add the 10% to @el-gorila and also throw in a bonus 10%. So at the end of the week, we'll have 10/11 as the next entry into the Hall of Fame.

1Two Shreks and Fiona
(bluelavender, alexanderkass,henryclive)
3NO team
(chriddi, moecki, event-horizon, o1eh)
4pennsif & NO team
(Solo) & (chriddi, moecki, event-horizon, o1eh)
6Two Shreks and Fiona
(bluelavender, alexanderkass,henryclive)
7NO team
(chriddi, moecki, event-horizon, o1eh)
8NO team
(chriddi, moecki, event-horizon, o1eh)
9NO team
(chriddi, moecki, event-horizon, o1eh)


I hope that this new twist will add another level of fun. Since launching, a few of you have expressed an interest in sharing some questions (I'm looking forward to @ady-was-here's puzzles and am slightly fearful of @chriddi's creations.

Question Tracker


I'm open to feedback about type of questions, level of difficulty and anything else as the quiz progresses. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me at any time.

 4 days ago (edited)

Weeks 10/11: Question Tracker

Question 1📰 Current Affairs 🌍@disconnect (Solo)
Question 2🔗 Connections 🖇️ - 🎭 Celebrities 🧑‍🎤@henryclive (Two Shreks and Fiona)
Question 3🍲 Food and Drink 🍹@disconnect (Solo)
Question 4🍲 Food and Drink 🍹✅ Two Shreks and Fiona
Question 5🧐 Odd One Out 🚫 - 🤼‍♂️ Entertainment 🎬@chriddi (NO team)
Question 6🔗 Connections 🖇️@alexanderkass (Two Shreks and Fiona)
Question 7🎥 Movie Magic 🎬@henryclive (Two Shreks and Fiona)
Question 8🌏 Culture & Travel 🏺@chriddi (NO team)
Question 9🧩 Jigsaw Puzzle 🧩@chriddi (NO team)
Question 10🧐 Odd One Out 🚫@mojociocio (Oops-a-lot)
Question 11🧐 Odd One Out 🚫1/2 @alexanderkass (Two Shreks and Fiona)
1/2 @chriddi (NO team)
Question 12🕒 Sequences 🕕@disconnect (Solo)
Question 13🔗 Connections 🖇️ - 🏎️ Formula 1 🏁@mojociocio (Oops-a-lot)
Question 14🧐 Odd One Out 🚫@the-gorilla (Solo)
Question 15❓ Who am I ❓@the-gorilla (Solo)
Question 16🎥 Movie Magic 🎬@disconnect (Solo)
Question 17🎶 Name That Tune 🥁1/2 @alexanderkass (Two Shreks and Fiona)
1/2 @chriddi (NO team)
Question 18🔢 Number Riddle 😖@the-gorilla (Solo)

Question 16

Question number 1 from alexanderkass

📽️Guess the movie by the picture📺


Miller’s Crossing

✅You are right, it seems that was too easy 🥲
Next time, I'll try to make the question more difficult.

Yeah kinda gave it away with the cross road picture!

Yesss... The crossroad and the hat on the ground seem to be very obvious clues...
It's an awesome movie! I hope that those who read your answer and haven’t seen it yet will watch it, and I’m sure they’ll love it!


The Godfather (1972)

👎🏻That’s the wrong answer; the scene from The Godfather is meant to point you in the right direction. If I showed a picture from the actual movie, it would be too easy.

You can try to answer again in 3 hours.

 2 days ago 

Question 14

🧐 Odd One Out 🚫

From the images below, which is the odd one out and why?

Minimal Square Photo Collage Photography Instagram Post.jpg

 2 days ago 

I'm going with the Rat because it's the only Disney movie that's made by Pixar. The rest were made by Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Deer = Bambi
Elephant = Dumbo
Rat = Ratatouille
Lion = Lion King

 2 days ago 

✅ Yes, the answer is correct and the explanation is perfect!

Wow! I am very impressed. I thought this was a fantastically weird question. Especially because Chat GPT came close at most even after several hints. At some point it came up with the film titles. Then he stiffly claimed it was the deer because ‘Bambi’ was the only film named after the animal's name. I asked what ‘Dumbo’ was named after. "Oh. The deer anyway, because Bambi is the only ruminant that is able to talk..."

 2 days ago 

Ha ha! If I recall correctly, Ratatouille is able to talk too!

ChatGPT's so stupid.


ChatGPT's so stupid.

It's so pathetic that there are people who rely on it!
I think this will be the battle of mankind for the next decades... 😔

It's great if you know enough about a subject to be able to check what it tells you. And given that it's trained on internet data, it's a true demonstration as to how much crap and lies is available on the internet.

Rat of course! It is the smallest and most intelligent 😃 (Also eat cheese!)

 2 days ago 

👎 It's the rat (of course...), but the gorilla gave the correct explanation.

Huraah to Rats!

The lion is the only predator in the group.

 2 days ago 

My next hint would have been that you won't find the answer in a biology book. But the gorilla is very smart and got the right direction - and perfectly correct answer - without any hint.

 2 days ago 

Question 15

❓Who am I ❓

Who am I and how many clues did you get to find out my name?

I have experienced many exciting things in my life. But a day in my life (I think it was even just yesterday) was something truly special. I’ve just seen a face and thought, "Lady Madonna, I'm in love immediately!" The woman was a misery for me - anything but the junk I had met before. Hell, what a girl!
I asked her for her name. She told me to guess. Okay. Julia? No! Lucille? No! Oh, you won’t guess it anyway! I need no reply anymore. "Just call me 'Her Majesty'!“
And so I did, because she was the queen herself! It was instantly real love, and we got married at the end. Soon, the two of us had a baby. With this boy, we now live somewhere in Kansas City, where the kid loves playing with Matchbox cars.

 2 days ago (edited)

I make the answer 20. It could be 21 but I don't count "A day in my life" as correct because it should be "A day in the life".

  1. In My Life
  2. Yesterday
  3. Something
  4. I've Just Seen a Face
  5. Lady Madonna
  6. I'm in love
  7. Misery
  8. Junk
  9. Girl
  10. Julia
  11. Lucille
  12. No Reply
  13. Her Majesty
  14. Because
  15. Real Love
  16. The End
  17. Two of Us
  18. This Boy
  19. Kansas City
  20. Matchbox

Oh, and The Beatles - mostly Paul McCartney (and John Lennon).


✅ You got it exactly! 20 songs by The Beatles.

You even found the song that was supposed to cause confusion (‘A day in my life’ not correct because it should be ‘A day in the life ’). However, pursuing this strategy further was too complicated for me. This text was absolutely handmade. I got the greatest satisfaction from the fact that GPT (except of course immediately ‘McCartney’ or ‘The Beatles’) had NO chance! Even when I told him there were 20 Beatles songs hidden, he wasn't able to name them! Even though they can all be found on a single Wikipedia page. The guy even started lying again. It stubbornly named ‘songs’ that aren't songs at all!
In this context, you can actually laugh out loud at AI. On the other hand, we can also cry out of the deepest pain, knowing that there are an infinite number of people who rely on this stupid technology.

The guy even started lying again. It stubbornly named ‘songs’ that aren't songs at all!

Ha ha! Yes! I've experienced this. When I ask "Are you sure?" and it would say "You're right, blah blah blah" and then I'd say "You've got this wrong, Thursday doesn't come after Saturday" and it would say "You're absolutely right. I apologise for this mistake. The day that comes after Saturday is in fact, Thursday."

Oh, the names I've called ChatGPT. I really hope it's all recorded somewhere.

 17 hours ago 

Oh, the names I've called ChatGPT.

Can you teach me?

You are Paul McCartney, and there are 18 song title clues in your story.

 2 days ago 

I'm Paul McCartney (or any other Beatle), of course! But you'll have to follow the clues a little more closely... 😉

It's McCartney’s personal timeline/ life story!

  1. “I have experienced many exciting things in my life…” - Extraordinary career
  2. “Call me ‘Her Majesty’!” - Meeting the Queen (knighthood),
  3. “We got married at the end. Soon, the two of us had a baby.” - Personal life milestone
  4. “We now live somewhere in Kansas City…” - relocating in US,
 2 days ago 

👎With your first answer, you were closer to solving the puzzle. It just wasn't correct...

P.S.: In Germany three hours are three hours, too… 😉

Oh, I get it now! Now let’s just hope no one else answers for the next two and a half hours 😅

03 hours gone! There are 19 song titles 🧐


You are The Beatles and it took me 2 of the more obvious clues: Lady Madonna and Her Majesty

 2 days ago 

👎Yes, I am (one of) The Beatles. To realize this with only two hints is great! But I gave you a load of more clues and I want you to tell me how many.

 3 days ago 

Question 12

🕒 Sequences 🕕

Please identify the next name in the sequence and justify your choice. Half a point for the correct name and half a point for the correct justification.

Vanessa Redgrave - Kitty Winn - Joanne Woodward - ?

I’m lost on this one! The only pattern I see is the Cannes Best Actress award, so I’m guessing Valerie Perrine, since she’s the next English speaking winner in order.

 3 days ago (edited)

Valerie Perrine
She got the Cannes Best Actress Award.
Just 0.75 points so far because I did not choose her because of her language…

They all won for somewhat “taboo” themed films! 🤔

 3 days ago 

1969 - Vanessa Redgrave
1971 - Kitty Winn
1973 - Joanne Woodward
❓ - Valerie Perrine

I didn’t even consider the release years! 🙈 I sometimes overlook the most obvious clues.

 3 days ago 

@chriddi's heading out so gave me permission for the green tick 🙂

 3 days ago 

Hallo?! Just because your nick says Quiz Master you do not need to master MY question... 🤪

 3 days ago 

 3 days ago 


 3 days ago 

Excuse me? Did the 3yo help?!

 3 days ago 

 3 days ago 

Nope. The answer is, hm, let's say: much simpler!

Oh.. the film was released in 1975! odd‐years!

How come nobody has answered yet?!!!😱

 3 days ago 

<How come nobody has answered yet?!

If it's what I'm thinking, it's difficult because of the order of the years.

¿It could be Susannah York ?

These are names of actresses who won awards and recognition at the Cannes Film Festival.

  • Vanessa Redgrave at the Cannes Film Festival, 1969
  • Kitty Winn at the Cannes Film Festival in 1971,
  • Joanne Woodward recognized at the Cannes Film Festival in 1973
  • Susannah York recognized at the Cannes Film Festival in 1972.


I don't quite know if you have understood the rules of this quiz.
This question is finished, it was answered correctly (Valerie Perrine because I chose the award actresses of the odd years).

If you are still interested, keep checking back for new questions and, above all, see what other users have answered. You should never give the same answer. And if you see the ✅ under a question, it is FINISHED.

Good luck!

I'm sorry, I didn't understand it. I thought the answer was different from what _@quiz-master said.

I find this theme very fun; we have to be quick!

 18 hours ago 

we have to be quick!

Also quick, yes. But primarily attentive. And smart. Above all, much smarter than ChatGPT... 😉

 2 days ago 

Question 17

🎶 Name That Tune 🥁

From just the drum rhythm, can you name the original artist and track name.

Most likely, I'm wrong, but for some reason, the first thing that comes to my mind is Michael Jackson - Black or White


1/2 point for identifying Michael Jackson - in my opinion, this snare drum is synonymous with his music!

It's not "Black or White" though.

 23 hours ago 

Michael Jackson: Billie Jean

 19 hours ago 

✅ And you win the other 1/2 point 🥳

 17 hours ago 

I barely missed waiting until 3 o’clock🥲😃

 23 hours ago 

Maybe I need to wait another three hours, too… 😉

Your answer is 100% correct… well, okay, 99.9999%😉

Defnintely 100% 🤓


 18 hours ago 

Indeed... And so we both shared a point. That's great, things like that bring people together... 😉

Yeeah... You're right... Michael Jackson works miracles🙃
Even after death...

The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women

By the way I created a question, can I send it to you see if it's worth posting?


👎 It's not a track by The Rolling Stones. This song's more recent than that.

By the way I created a question, can I send it to you see if it's worth posting?

I say post it and see how it goes! I've had questions that I thought were too easy that weren't and vice versa - So there's only one way to find out 🙂

 4 days ago 

Question 10

🧐 Odd One Out 🚫

From the images below, which is the odd one out and why?


2, the McLaren has a papaya color

 4 days ago 

✅ Are you a Formuula 1 fan?

Yep, tried to stay awake for the race this morning but couldn't do it. Watched the replay and it was brilliant. Hope this season continues like this


Felt bad for Piastri though. Would've liked to see him win the home GP

 4 days ago 

I didn't even try to stay awake - Australia's literally the opposite side of the world. Instead, I caught up on qualifying this morning and pretty much just finished watching the race.

It was quite the drama wasn't it?! I think it's probably peaked too soon though!

Yeah - shame about Piastri. When they were 1-2, I thought they might do team orders to swap them so that Piastri could win his home GP. Sadly it didn't turn out that way. Although being a Brit, great to see Lando win!

Hopefully Max crashes and burns this season.

I stayed up all night watching the IMSA Sebring 12 hours which finished 2 hours before the start of the F1 but unfortunately I was too comfy in bed 😆

I am also happy for Antonelli. He did a great race to finish p4 on his debut. Albon had a great race too - can't wait for more!

 3 days ago 

It's great to see Williams looking more competitive and just generally, a more competitive field. They said before the race that 2024 saw more variety in winners than every before - probably because there were more races than ever before but a competitive grid should equate to more entertainment for us.

Is there any particular driver or nationality that you're rooting for?

I was about to sleep 😐

I guess it's 3 - it's the only photo without an orange background 🤨

It's really late for you now... I'm going to bed too, I have to get up early tomorrow. Damn work gets in the way of playing the quiz😅

 4 days ago 

Ha ha - Play it at work 😆

 4 days ago 

👎 mojociocio is correct - the McLaren F1 car is papaya, all of the others are orange.

I'm sure it's 1

In all images there is the orange color in combination with other colors such as white and black, but image 1 is a single color, orange

Although they are right, the Formula 1 car is salmon color.

 2 days ago 

This question has already been answered by mojociocio - the answer was 2 - the F1 car (McLaren) is Papaya and the rest are orange.

This is the current question

 3 days ago 

Question 13

🔗 Connections 🖇️ - 🏎️ Formula 1 🏁

disconnect is moments away from solving Question 12 so here's question 13 that I've been sitting on today.

What connects the below Formula 1 cars?


All cars are designed by Adrian Newey

 3 days ago 

✅ I should have known you'd answer this in less time than it took me to create the question!

I had to look what car the first one is but after finding out it was the first car designed by him, the answer was pretty easy

 3 days ago 

Ah, I had a feeling I should've left that one out!

Glad you didn't 😆

 4 days ago 

Question 11

🧐 Odd One Out 🚫

From the images below, which is the odd one out and why?


Number three because it's not PINK

 4 days ago 

Number 3 is PURPLE ?!


 4 days ago 


 4 days ago (edited)

👉 If it's not pink, what colour is it? (it's also not purple)...

1/2 point

 4 days ago 

Number 3, because it is violet (not pink). More precisely: African Violet (not pink).
Besides, Reading FC’s shirt is completely outdated! Now they wear blue and white stripes.

Off topic:
How do you create the fotos (4 in the square)? I have som ideas for questions but no time to make them pretty (not fast in editing photos or collages).

 4 days ago (edited)

1/2 point

I'll award you 1/2 point for mentioning "African Violet" and @alexanderkass 1/2 point for identifying the non-pink answer.

Besides, Reading FC’s shirt is completely outdated! Now they wear blue and white stripes.

That was our away shirt - It was pink but they refused to call it pink, instead insisting that as you say, it's African Violet. We've worn the blue and white hoops for a very long time. Royal Blue of course - to signify the Royal County of Berkshire - the only club in the county.

How do you create the fotos (4 in the square)?

I created a Photoshop template. So I find the photos that I want to use, crop them to 400px x 300px and then paste them into each square.

It looks a bit like this with the layers not in the screenshot:


I create Photoshop templates for most of the image questions that I do.

 3 days ago 

I think that's fair and hope @alexanderkass agrees. After all, our teams are neck and neck – not even the slightest opportunity can be missed... ;-)
Besides, I should be rewarded for once again researching things that don't interest me in the slightest... ;-D

Ah, okay, I was afraid of that. I don't have Photoshop, and I rarely use templates, never create them. Well, maybe I'll try Canva (there must be templates there, as you can see from all the engaging articles...). Or my questions will just be good, but not pretty... ;-)

To be honest, before this whole situation with Mr. Gorilla, I had a fighting spirit and a desire to actually win. But now, I just want the show to go on. The show must go on.
I agree to everything ;-)

 3 days ago 

This is the true spirit we need... :-))

You might be looking for one answer. But, I have for two.

Answer 1: number 3 is not pink.
Answer 2: number 1 is not a living being. While the others are.

I find both statements true. What do you think?

 3 days ago 

You need to be quicker to win the prize... alexanderkass got the colour (answer 1) and chriddi specified what it really is (African Violet).

It's always advisable to see what others have replied before trying - sometimes I might leave a clue in my replies!

You need to be quicker to win the prize.

I guess, it is going to be tough for me to win in this contest. XD..

I will try on next one then. If I'm not the first, I will attempt in giving the complete answer.

 3 days ago 

 4 days ago 

slightly fearful of @chriddi's creations

And rightly so! Since nobody has yet found out that a (very, very small) part of the questions came from me, I can only say: Rightly so!

 4 days ago 

I must admit, I’m equally as excited 😛

 3 days ago 

I hope I didn't overpromise.
Right now, I'm a little annoyed that I published the Wördel because I have to evaluate the answers. I have to spend concentrated time on the computer, which I need for something completely different.
Well, we'll see. Right now, you're still organizing the place for the questions (weird, it wouldn't have been a question for me, because the structure has been known for 10 weeks...), so I can sit back for a while... ;-)

 3 days ago 

Yes, perhaps the explanation confused things because to us regulars, it didn’t need explaining!

I’ve got my 3yo so no time to research yet. I don’t know those 3 actresses so I’m going in blind!

I also have a picture for guessing a movie, but I think it will be too obvious, and people will guess it right away😬

 4 days ago 

I’ve thought that about quite a few of my questions which have later required hints. Go for it - try your luck and if it’s too easy, you’ll know for next time 😊

I am here who is searching for the clues! Like, Hah! What's going on here?

 4 days ago 

This is the fun that is Steemit Quiz 2025!

The questions will appear in the comments and the first person to correctly answer gets an upvote and wins a point for their team.

Some people aren’t in a team so play solo.

At the end of each week, the winning team gets a beneficiary and a spot in the Hall of Fame and at the end of the year, the @el-gorila prize fund goes to the winners!

Play as often as your free time allows. And then a bit more.

WOW! The question is too hard for me! Like the rules of GOLF! 🥵

 3 days ago 

Golf is simple isn't it? Just count how many times you hit the ball until it goes in the hole. 18 times. The person who hits it the least is the winner 🏆

There have been a few cricket questions - not many. Cricket isn't very popular amongst most of the quizzers here 😆

I have a chance, then! 😎

 3 days ago 

I'm glad you're continuing.

Sometimes I've thought: That would be a question for the quiz... Let's see if I can manage it...
Did I understand correctly that the questions should just appear under the question tracker without informing you before?

 3 days ago 

Did I understand correctly that the questions should just appear under the question tracker without informing you before?

Yes, that's correct. If you could please add some kind of question identifier and follow the general format that I've been using then that would be helpful. When I see it, I'll add it to the question tracker.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with 🙂

 3 days ago 

I look forward to seeing what you come up with

#metoo... 😎

What do you mean by this 'special code'? I didn't quite get that...

 3 days ago 

By special code, something like:

Question hc01

or something.

You could use the next numerical number in the sequence that I've been using but there's always a slight risk that we'll post at the same time.

I suppose the most important thing is that it's in reply to the question tracker so that it doesn't get missed.

I hope this means that you've got something in mind 🙂

I did and I tested it out to Alex, he guessed the movie right away... Damn great movie by the way.

 3 days ago 

I've just said the same to him - it's so difficult to pitch the question at the right difficulty. The number of questions that I've thought were great and had to reject... at least double the ones you've seen!

Hmm... I'd like to try the Musical dinosaurs but I don't have the equipment 😆

Yes, I'm also interested in that.

 3 days ago 

I would suggest something like this:

Question from moecki:

🔗 Connections 🖇️


### Question from moecki:

### 🔗 Connections 🖇️


In any case, it should be recognisable that it is a question and not a comment.
Perhaps with numbering?

I tried to check my picture through ChatGPT, and it immediately gave the answer, so I'll have to come up with something else and make the questions even harder than I thought. First, the question shouldn't be too simple so that ChatGPT can't solve it quickly. Second, it shouldn't be so difficult that participants can't guess it. Now I'll post my picture here, and I think whoever sees it first will guess which movie title is encoded in it😅


 3 days ago 

My guess would be The Usual Suspects - a great movie!

Is this a test or an "official" question? If you'd like to make it official, then please post it in reply to the question tracker.

No, this question is not official, but you guessed it ✅
I told you the question turned out to be too easy.

 3 days ago 

I think that image is so synonymous with the movie that if you know the movie, you'd recognise a similar image.

It's so difficult to create a well balanced question. I think that I've probably managed 2 out of however many I've asked 😆

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 3 days ago 

Thank you as always.

Sponsored by WOX 🙂

Agreement between me & xpilar 🙈

 3 days ago 

He's a good guy 🙂

Indeed, he is.