My Pet Free Range Chickens Grow Healthy And Strong

in Incredible India6 days ago


Raising and caring for native chickens is an activity that I do every day and I really enjoy taking care of my native chickens at home.

In addition to being able to get fresh eggs and chicken meat, I can also learn about responsibility and patience.

Native chickens also have unique and interesting characteristics. They have various feather colors, distinctive voices, and unique behaviors.


Cute and healthy chicks are certainly very pleasant to look at. They have high energy and are always actively moving, making me laugh and happy. I know that taking care of chicks does require more attention and patience, because they are still very vulnerable and need protection. But seeing them grow and develop into healthy and strong chickens is certainly very satisfying.


Cute and healthy chicks are everyone's dream, and so am I who am very lucky to have native chickens and their chicks. They have high energy and are always actively moving, making me laugh and happy. Taking care of chicks does require more attention and patience, because they are still very vulnerable and need protection. But seeing them grow and develop into healthy and strong chickens is certainly very satisfying. Chicks do like to eat young green grass shoots. Young green grass shoots are a good source of nutrition for chicks, because they contain vitamins and minerals needed for their growth and development.


Natural foods such as young green grass shoots can also help improve the health and immunity of chicks, so that they are more resistant to disease. In addition, young green grass shoots can also help maintain the balance of microbiota in the intestines of chicks, so that they can digest food better.


In giving young green grass shoots to chicks, make sure we choose grass that is fresh and free from pesticides or other chemicals. We can also give young green grass shoots in the right amount, so that the chicks are not too full or not too hungry.

In addition to young green grass shoots, we can also give other additional foods to chicks, such as grains or vitamins. However, make sure you give these additional foods in the right amount and not excessively, so that the chicks do not experience health problems.


In caring for chicks, we must also make sure to pay attention to the quality of the water given to them. Clean and fresh water is essential for the health of chicks, so make sure you change their drinking water regularly and clean their drinking bowls regularly.

By providing young green grass shoots and other additional food, and paying attention to the quality of the water provided, you can help chicks grow and develop into healthy and strong chickens. Hopefully useful, thank you for reading.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

 4 days ago 

মুরগি পালন করলেই হয় না তাদের অবশ্যই শারীরিক এবং খাবার-দাবারের দিনটা অনেক বেশি পরিচর্যা করতে হয় মুক্ত অবস্থায় মুরগি পালন করলে মুরগি খুব তাড়াতাড়ি বড় হয় এবং শক্তিশালী হয়ে ওঠে আমিও মুরগি পালন করা শুরু করেছি আল্লাহ তাআলা যদি সবকিছু ঠিক রাখে তাহলে ইনশাল্লাহ ভালো কিছু করার চেষ্টা করব অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ মুরগি পালন করার পদ্ধতি এবং সম্পূর্ণ বিষয় নিয়ে আমাদের সাথে আলোচনা করার জন্য ভালো থাকবেন।

মুরগি পালন সম্পর্কে আপনার সদয় মন্তব্যের জন্য আবারও ধন্যবাদ। তোমার মুরগির খামারে সবসময় সফল হও।