Nothing To See Here....Move Along

Here in Oregon it was announced all schools will be closed from March 13th (yesterday) and reopen on April 1st and though I homeschool the two younger ones I have two that are in the local high school. I don't know about you but up until that point I had only been half listening to the news about the spread of Covid-19. Well, that all changed Thursday when the Governor announced the statewide school closure.
I started browsing Twitter for some factual articles (not local news reports, or national for that matter) and I came across this post with a short video of Donald McNeil explaining how China is dealing with containing this virus and I was floored.
Link to the tweet and video
A little disclaimer here, I don't watch TV news, any of it. It's all rubbish. People just saying any fucking thing they want on TV news and then some other jack-off starts arguing about it with the first guy. It's ridiculous. I also know that some folks take that shit very seriously, they love this news channel and hate that one and both sides say the other side is all lies. It's all so divided, us & them, and not in anyone's best interest to really get things done and move forward. I say this just to ask you to try and watch the video without bias even if you hate the person conducting the interview. The things Mr. McNeil is saying are what I feel are important here. ;)
Then later in the day yesterday I was listening to the NHL network on satellite radio, like @zekepickleman and a few others I was bummed that hockey was postponed and was listening to get more info. The hosts of the show had a correspondent on that was giving realistic info about when sports leagues might be able to start back up. Sorry I don't have his name or a link to the interview but what I gleaned from this (other than it being next to impossible for any sporting events to start in the next three months due to the trajectory of this virus) was that this reporter had talked to various infectious disease specialists and other medical professionals.
With something like this I think it is important to do your own research, employ due diligence and trust yourself.
So, among the stuff I've read today I found this comprehensive Q & A with Megan Murray and since there are no hockey games today I was able to read it without distraction :)
I like these type of factual articles as they help me focus on what I need to do to be prepared instead of worrying about some secondhand, sensationalized newsfluff.
Anyhow, I have to get back to building my throne of toilet paper rolls so I'll leave you with the only TV news I've watched today.
Here here. Enjoying my own throne of bog roll in India, trying not to panic buy aloo paratha.
Research, facts, cut through bullshit. Look after yourself and others. Xx
Yes indeed @riverflows, Look out for yourself and others is the best way to handle this.
I have not Watched TV at all in Five Years and my Life has actually gotten much Better. I was paying the CABLE Company to Lie to Me. I don't worry at all about this Corona thing. We Own Silver we're Protected......@summertooth
Fantastic @stokjockey. TV news is especially evil. Now is the time to stack it high!
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