Concurso fotográfico T-2 E-58 “Mosaicos arquitectónicos”

in Venezolanos Steemlast month

Today, while studying the extensive list of competitions held at Stemmit I saw the photo competition Concurso fotográfico T-2 E-58 “Mosaicos arquitectónicos” organized by the respected @evagavilan I started digging in my photo archive in search of the photos I needed where you can see the mosaic work on the facade of the building I remembered that I definitely have them.

So, I had to dig deep.

Time as it turns out flies too fast it seems like it was yesterday but seven years have passed since I left the Moldovan capital, where you can often see mosaic works from the era of socialism which as a rule glorified the achievements of the party and the people of the country of that era.

So, that was the day when I needed to find an insurance agency in the Moldovan capital to renew my medical policy the sooner you do it the bigger the discount on its price will be but I had to go to a remote area of ​​the city.

I have somewhat gotten out of the habit of the fact that such organizations have lunch breaks because you can always distribute the work of employees who can have lunch at different times but not in Moldova, ll.

As luck would have it I arrived there at exactly that time and, running headlong into closed doors with a sign on which, judging by the time indicated on it I was asked to wait about an hour.

It was not interesting to wait under closed doors and I decided to walk around the block and look for interesting subjects for photographs.

I didn't have to go far right at the end of this nondescript building I saw a huge mosaic panel that glorified the period of industrialization and electrification judging by the images on this mosaic.


You can appreciate the scale of this work from this angle.
It's hard to say how many multi-colored ceramic elements went into creating this work the author of which I don't know Google search by image didn't help me with this but it's impressive.

The building doesn't look very old it's about fifty years old no more I lived in that era and these paintings look like the hymns that demonstrators sang at May Day parades lol.


Nothing like this is being created today it's much easier to buy a can of paint and ruin the facade of the building with your scribbles.


Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.


More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!


Category:Art, Photography, digital art.
Tools:Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.



 last month 
Gracias por ser parte de la Comunidad Venezolanos Steem, la Casa Grande para todos los Sueños Posibles. Tu publicación ha sido Seleccionada para el Programa de Soporte a las Comunidades de las cuentas Booming. ¡Felicitaciones!

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Thank you for the warm welcome, @venezolanos!
Blessings to you!

Hola amigo la foto le quedó muy linda, una buena historia relatada sobre el momento que tomó la foto.
