Can you imagine what the right hand of God secures for you? “I will strengthen thee;… I will help thee; I will uphold thee: all these come by the right hand of God’s righteousness; it is all in one to make you stand complete in the victory the Lord brings. God will not say what He will not do; He is God and with Him, there is no variableness neither any shadow of turning.
It’s all by the power of His right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly” Psalm 118:16. In the heat of whatever the enemy has brought your way; expect the right hand of God to be exalted above your challenges, difficulties and frustrations. With the exaltation of the right hand of God, everything of the devil shall be suppressed and they shall fizzle out.
The Lord God is with you as the strong and terrible One. He is not with you for the fun of it, He is with you o show Himself strong. He is with you to provide the strength you need; He is with you to ensure you are raised beyond a fall. By the power of His presence, the devil shall suffer a loss and your testimony shall come through, that the Lord has done ll things well.
The hand of the Lord available to you is the hand which when opened is able to attend to the desires of every living thing: the Bible says in Psalm 145:16 – “Thou openest Thine hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing”. If the desire of every living thing gets satisfied by the opening of His hand; can you now comprehend why God is with you, is more than enough?
You cannot encounter God and seek another, neither can you encounter God and be void. Scriptures affirm that – “They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shall make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures” Psalm 36:8. In every true encounter comes abundant satisfaction; because, it’s all in one: it’s all by the same power, the same hand that doeth valiantly.
That your encounter of the working of His mighty right hand comes through today is my sincerest prayer. There is no arsenal of the enemy mounted against you that can match or survive the eagerness of God to perform His good Word unto you. With God; as evident in Isaiah 41:10, no matter the level of help you need, He gladly responds – “I will… I will… I will”. Child of God; be of good cheer, His zeal shall perform it.