nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoGOD’S LAW ON PROSPERITYIMAGE SOURCE: GOD’S LAW ON PROSPERITY Poverty is a product of sin and curses. Christ…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoTHE BELIEVER'S AUTHORITYIMAGE SOURCE: THE BELIEVER'S AUTHORITY The word authority means power or right to give…nuella (60)in #steemexclusive • 4 years agoETERNAL SECURITY IN CHRISTIMAGE SOURCE: ETERNAL SECURITY IN CHRIST There is a common belief among some…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoWHO NEEDS SALVATION?credit: Salvation as we have seen is the only way or means God…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoTHE MEANING OF SALVATIONIMAGE SOURCE: THE MEANING OF SALVATION Some of the members of our local churches have no idea whether…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoJAIRUS DAUGHER HEALEDCredit: While he was still talking, some people came from the leader’s house and…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoBEEING LED BY GOD'S SPIRIT HELPS YOU KNOW THE WILL OF GOD.Credit: Romans 8:14: "For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoRECONCILIATION THROUGH CHRIST.Credit: "And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoON AND OFF CHRISTIANITY.Credit: When you take upon yourself the on and off kind of Christianity which many…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoGOD'S WORD WORKS EVERY DAY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OR SITUATION.Credit: “…..and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoCONTINUITY IN FATH AS A MARK OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP.Credit: One thing that stands out in God’s “marking script” for true…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoYOU ARE NOT DISADVANTAGED AT ALL.Credit: There are those who see themselves as so disadvantaged for any form of…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoBY HIS RIGHT HANDCredit: BY HIS RIGHT HAND Can you imagine what the right hand of God secures for you? “I will…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoFORGETTING THE PASTCredit: FORGETTING THE PAST Have you ever sought to understand how Apostle…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoLACK OF KNOWLEDGE BREEDS ERROR.Credit: When your knowledge of scriptures is not in place, you are…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoDO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU BECOME GREATER.Credit: In the book of Genesis 26:13, we see Isaac becoming great; he didn’t stop there, he…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoHIDE AND SEEKCredit: HIDE AND SEEK The book of Acts 17:27 in an eager pursuit after God, makes it look…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoTURNING YOUR REPROACH TO FAVOUR, DAUGHTERS OF ZELOPHEHAD EXAMPLE.Credit: Reproach was meant to sound as a steady…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoINSISTING ON GOD'S TRUTHCREDIT: INSISTING ON GOD'S TRUTH The truth needs to be asserted. Things don’t necessarily follow…nuella (60)in HeartChurch • 4 years agoJESUS HUNG ON A TREE, TOOK YOUR CURSE AND GOT YOU BLESSED.Credit: The scripture says anyone who is hung on a tree is under a curse. So, Jesus…