Body Composition Nutrition Sleep Activity

The corporate wellness market seems to move from approximately $57.4 Billion to roughly $100 Billion. With a substantial competitive advantage, some other companies are positioned well for development. These technology industries slowly and surely making a name! Could this discovery be the next big thing? Take a peek.

Have you ever taken a nap at work? How about wellness adventures, or even employee assistance programs for, let’s say, chronic health issues, depression, or even our current health situation? To date, millions of employees reportedly do. Quite possibly, millions more could follow.

Such programs look to potentially help improve employees’ mental, financial, and physical health. Did you know that approximately 12 billion workdays could be lost annually between 2016 and 2030 due to mental health issues? Or that it could cost the global economy roughly $900 billion? Sponsored Post. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.


Special thanks to this man for posting such wonderful article about wellness!

We need more wellness programs than possessing nonsense things.

People being aware of health awareness is important. This could potentially help us to have a harmonious working environment.

Wellness services tend to have been the standard among several US-based firms.

Technology is already playing a big role in our society.

Wooooow! I just know that approximately 12 billion workdays could be lost annually between 2016 and 2030 due to mental health issues. It's a big thing in this era. Great trends.

While anxiety could be extremely unpleasant, it does not have to be permanently disabling.

The corporate wellness industry could be a lucrative industry soon, hoping every company could engage to it.

That programs could be relief those employees who suffered chronic diseases.

I'm lucky to work remotely, so I nap after lunch. This way, I feel that I am more productive and can work more efficiently. It is good for any company to allow workers to sleep. I even noticed how inefficient I am in the time range from 12 to 2. But after sleeping, I feel better. Especially at home, I have an orthopedic bed with special pillows for the knees and hips. Now I sleep on three pillows because after suffering a car accident, I started to find all sorts of methods to sleep with my broken sternum pain. I found some on, and here also some pillow recommendations.