The Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update [ August 2nd, 2021 ] : New Courses

We have now reached week 6 of Season 3 of the Crypto Academy.
This week we have another full set of courses for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
These courses are open to anyone meeting the minimum requirements for the relevant level.
The six Introductory courses released previously continue to be available for anyone at the Beginners level who has completed at least Level 4 of the Achievement Tasks in the Newcomers Community.
Beginners Level Courses
The Beginners Level Courses this week are…
@awesononso [ Nigeria ] - assisted by @lenonmc21 [ Venezuela ]
@reminiscence01 [ Nigeria ] - assisted by @wahyunahrul [ Indonesia ]
To participate in the weekly Beginners courses students will need to have a minimum reputation of 50 and at least 125 Steem Power of their own (not delegated to them).
Homework posts with a grade of at least 5 out of 10 will receive a percentage vote from @steemcurator02 (4 million SP) of 1 x the grade. For example for a grade of 7 out 10 a post will receive a 7% vote.
Anyone meeting the minimum reputation and SP requirements can do any or all of the weekly Beginners level homework tasks.
Intermediate Level Courses
The Intermediate Level Courses this week are…
@asaj [ Ukraine ] - assisted by @allbert [ Venezuela ]
@pelon53 [ Venezuela ] - assisted by @imagen [ Venezuela ]
@yohan2on [ Uganda ] - assisted by @yousafharoonkhan [ Pakistan ]
To participate in the Intermediate courses students will need to have a minimum reputation of 55 and at least 250 Steem Power of their own (not delegated to them).
Homework posts with a grade of at least 5 out of 10 will receive a percentage vote from @steemcurator02 (4 million SP) of 2 x the grade. For example for a grade of 7 out 10 a post will receive a 14% vote.
Anyone meeting the minimum reputation and SP requirements can do any or all of the Intermediate level homework tasks.
Advanced Level Courses
The Advanced Level Courses this week are…
@cryptokraze [ Pakistan ] - assisted by @kouba01 [ Tunisia ]
@stream4u [ India ] - assisted by @sapwood [ India ]
To participate in the Advanced courses students will need to have a minimum reputation of 60 and at least 500 Steem Power of their own (not delegated to them).
Homework posts with a grade of at least 5 out of 10 will receive a percentage vote from @steemcurator02 (4 million SP) of 3 x the grade. For example for a grade of 7 out 10 a post will receive a 21% vote.
@abcallen has also produced another weekly course specifically for the Chinese community...
Homework Guidelines
We are keen to ensure that all contributions to the Steemit Crypto Academy are of as high a standard as possible.
While the Crypto Professors may set specific requirements for some of their homework tasks we would suggest all students follow these basic guidelines…
- Title the post with the format - Crypto Academy / Season 3 / Week 6 - Homework Post for [name of Crypto Professor] …
- Homework posts should be at least 300 words
- All work should be your own - plagiarism will not be tolerated
- Any graphs, screenshots, quotes etc used from other sources should be fully referenced
- Any images used should be from copyright-free sources and fully referenced
- Homework posts should include the tag #cryptoacademy and the tag specifically required for each homework task in the first five tags. It will also be good to include a tag for your country.
- Tag the relevant Crypto Professor to help them find your homework post.
Please make sure you send your homework posts into the Crypto-Academy community…
Homework posts should be submitted no later than 11.59pm UTC, on Saturday, August 7th 2021.
Please check each Professor’s post carefully for any special instructions they have given for their homework task. Once you have completed your homework post make sure you leave a link on the Professor’s post to ensure they see it.
Following all these guidelines carefully will help you gain higher vote rewards for your homework posts.
The Crypto Professors will be on the lookout for plagiarism, content farming and other forms of abuse.
Anyone found doing any of these will risk being banned from the Crypto Academy.
We hope you will all enjoy this new three level expansion of the Crypto Academy.
It is experimental so there will likely need to be tweaks as the weeks progress. Make sure you check @steemitblog regularly for any changes to the rules.
People are welcome to do as many homework tasks each week as they are qualified for. They can also move up a level as they grow their reputation and SP. And people in a higher level can also do the lower level weekly homework tasks as well.
Have fun and learn !
The Steemit Team
Nice update. Thanks for always carrying us along. One love
Thank you very much for the update 😊
Hola quisiera que me ayudara, realicé 2 tareas está semana y ninguna fue calificada, la primera fue del profesor @allbert y la segunda del profesor @sapwood el cual me respondió que estoy en lista negra por plagios cometidos, los cuales son 2. Pero allí es donde voy, Steemit es una plataforma descentralizada que busca la participación de todas las personas ok que no me coloquen nota donde cometí los plagios pero que no me dejen de calificar tareas donde el contenido es 100% original y los plagios citados no son seguidos ni muchos menos son recurrentes el primero nadie en la temporada 2 y ese lo respeto y el segundo fue en la temporada 3 semana 3 que estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con esa calificación de plagio y con todo y eso me tienen que lista negra y no me corrigen. Espero que me pueda ayudar ya que ustedes es el organismo encargado y espero que me entienda. En otra opinión personal deben tener en cuenta también a los estudiantes que muchas veces dedicamos días, horas, dinero, criptomonedas para realizar las tareas para que luego no sean tomadas en cuenta. Gracias esperó su respuesta!
@steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 me gustaría saber si puedo seguir realizando mis tareas o no? Para ver si voy hacer tomado en cuenta para la calificación y posterior a la curación o no!
thanks for this
Nice update
Yes it is really nice
Good stuff! I'm really glad somebody is doing this.
I have been interested in crypto for years, but every time I have thought I had a handle on where things were going, I have tuned out to be dead wrong.
At one time, I had one-tenth of a bitcoin, but I sold it in Nov 2018 when BTC was at 4K, because I desperately needed the money to pay the rent. Imagine my anguish when BTC peaked at like 64K or whatever it was. Sigh.
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Thank you so much for this great opportunity for all Steemit users.
As always we continue to translate the post each week for our community.
Here is the link
Steemit academy has always been great. I look foward to more excitement as I learn new things to increase my portfolio on