abcallen (73)in #cn • 8 months ago瑞悦玄承 || 紫微斗数手动排盘的重要性今天这篇就当故事来写吧... ...我是2018年开始比较正式的接触到正统道教的,也是从那个时候我开始焚香诵经、念咒画符、深层次的接触鬼神文化,也是从那个时候我也开始系统化的学习中医。…abcallen (73)in #cn • 8 months ago瑞悦玄承 || 雄宿朝野的败局——廉贞星在紫微斗数中,桃花星真的挺多的,而一些特殊的格局也会造成天命上的桃花,例如“方伯宫”格。不过今天不以格局为主,而是单星为首,今天这颗星耀是一个次桃花星——廉贞星。…abcallen (73)in #cn • 11 months ago生活分享 | 挺想继续拥有赚钱的动力在没装修房子之前,我挺有赚钱的动力的,但开始装修房子之后,我心里想的也只有赶快把房子装修好,对于赚钱我是一点动力也没有。…abcallen (73)in #cn • last yearWormhole3 | 莫比社区& DeBox Music Club 音乐节第六届 一让音乐更具价值,打造Web3的好声音莫比社区(Mferc)第六届音乐节它来了,本届音乐节由DeBox Music Club 联合举办!让我们听到你的声音,参与Space语音挖矿获取丰厚福利!😍🥳…abcallen resteemedterry3t (66)adminin wormhole3 • 2 years ago今天大家普及一下ERC20的授权功能 今天大家普及一下ERC20的授权功能 #iweb3 #ERC20 #approve #contractabcallen resteemedwormhole3 (62)in #steem • 3 years ago在Twitter上玩转你的Steem,1000 STEEM等你们领取!!!为了激励Steem上更多的内容创造者,Wormhole3现在可以将推文直接同步到Steem平台上。Steem用户也可以使用他们现有的Steem账户注册Wormhole3。发送带有#steem的推文也有助于扩大Steem社区在Twitter上abcallen resteemedwormhole3 (62)in #steem • 3 years agoWormhole3-easily links Twitter to Steem, and makes Steem community trending on TwitterWormhole3 makes it easy for anyone to create a Web3 social media channel (# TAG) for their project, community, or DAO…abcallen resteemednutbox.mine (69)in #nutbox • 3 years agoNutbox Community Migration Announcement and TutorialHi everyone, thank you for your continued support of Nutbox! The first phase of Nutbox's SP/ATOM staking incentive…abcallen resteemednutbox (67)in STEEM CN/中文 • 3 years agoWeeklyNewsletter | Nutbox Week 26June 20, 2022 Nutbox Team Nutbox TVL Nutbox has created a total of 22 DAOs, with 741 members, and…abcallen resteemedtimbae (80)memberin Trading Capital • 3 years ago(04/26) 현재 APR 540%, 829% 🚀 세계 9위 DAO 커뮤니티 '웨얼인(Wherein)' 넛박스 월넛 플랫폼에 론칭, SP와 ATOM을 통해 WIN 토큰을 보상받으세요 !댑레이더(dappradar) 선정 가장 많이 사용되는 소셜댑(Dapp) 세계 9위 웨얼인(Wherein)의 Community가 넛박스 월넛에 론칭되었습니다 🎉 웨얼인은 IOS 운영체제에서 지원되는 스팀의…abcallen resteemednutbox.mine (69)in #nutboxpeanutpnutstaking • 3 years agoStake PNUT Mint PNUT Pool Opening AnnouncementPeanut V2, a decentralized staking DAO based on Steem and BSC blockchain, launched on March 13th 2022, with the…abcallen resteemednutbox.mine (69)in #peanut • 3 years agoPeanut V2 Buy Upvote has started, 100,000 PNUT will be distributed to incentivize users to testPeanut V2 starts Buy Upvote Program PNUT is deployed through Walnut, enabling PNUT's cross-chain migration & PNUT…abcallen resteemedsunnyz (56)in #nutbox • 3 years agoNutbox Proposal for Rewarding Global Ambassador @March 21, 2022背景 Background Nutbox发展至今,Peanut的TVL已达141万SP,目前的成果与各位大使的宣传与推广密切相关。 Global…abcallen resteemednutbox.mine (69)in #nutbox • 3 years agoPeanut V2 launches Delegate SP mint PNUT and simultaneously destroys 20 million PNUT15 days ago, we started Peanut V2 " Peanut v2 is scheduled to relaunch, PNUT is about to start migration ".…abcallen resteemednutbox.mine (69)in #walnut • 3 years agoWalnut supports batch of SP Delegation platforms such as upvu, tipu and peanut, etc. Start the share and get upvote activitiesYesterday, we announced the official launch of Nutbox Walnut . Today, the total amount of SP delegated by Walnut【…abcallen resteemedsteemitblog (77)in SteemitCryptoAcademy • 4 years agoThe Steemit Crypto Academy : Appointment of new Crypto ProfessorsThank you to everyone that expressed interest in becoming a Crypto Professor. In the end we had over 50 applications…abcallen resteemedsteemitblog (77)in SteemitCryptoAcademy • 4 years agoSteemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #8 [ March 29th, 2021 ]The Steemit Crypto Academy is now coming up to the two month mark. This is a good time to pause for a short while…abcallen resteemedericet (75)admin村长in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years agoDWB 空投注意事项看了几个人的帖子,在推广在tron上的DWB空投,据说花费大概30 TRX可以领取价值1000 TRX的DWB代币 稍微查了一下网站,可以肯定这是个割韭菜的项目,因为连官方给的白皮书都是抄别人的…abcallen resteemednutbox (67)in #cn • 4 years agoNutbox latest news: the scale of SP delegation pool reached 230K in 24 hours, and the PNUT-TRX trade pair is displayed on Justswap DEX.After the launch, has received great responses from Steem community. Nutbox.mine has collected more than…abcallen (73)in #cn • 4 years ago是为了赚钱而写作,还是为了写作而写作“是为了赚钱而写作,还是为了写作而写作”,这不是一道伪命题,大部分创作者更不必纠结这个问题。 对于这个问题的回答,我肤浅这样的认为 经济基础决定于上层建筑…