Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #15 [ May 24th, 2021 ]

The Steemit Crypto Academy is back with another set of lessons from our Crypto Professors.
As usual we are covering a wide range of topics to broaden your knowledge of the crypto world.
This week’s courses cover DeFi, TSP, TSTEEM and JustSwap, Scalability, Income Generation with cryptocurrencies, Liquidity Mining on, the Exchange Order Book, and Swing Trading.
We hope you enjoy the lessons, study well, work hard, make your best homework posts and earn rewards !
If you are interested in the progress of the Steemit Crypto Academy @sapwood has done some great analysis of the stats so far…
The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses - Week 15
These are the courses for Week #15…
@abcallen [ China ]
This week Professor @Abcallen’s lesson is about DeFi, TSP, TSTEEM and JustSwap.
The homework task involves practical exercises with Nutbox liquidity mining.
@alphafx [ Nigeria ] - assisted by @levycore [ Indonesia ]
This week Professor @Alphafx is looking at Scalability, and improvements already made and those still to be made.
The homework task involves practical exercises with the Binance Smart Chain and Tron.
@imagen [ Venezuela ] - assisted by @pelon53 [ Venezuela ]
This week Professor @Imagen is exploring different methods of generating income with cryptocurrencies.
The homework task involves a practical exploration of one method of income generation with cryptocurrencies.
@sapwood [ India ] - assisted by @fendit [ Argentina ]
This week Professor @Sapwood’s lesson is all about Liquidity Mining on Tron with
The homework task covers questions about liquidity mining on, and related practical exercises.
@yousafharoonkhan [ Pakistan ] - assisted by @stream4u (India)
This week Professor @Yousafharoonkhan is investigating the Exchange Order Book, and how to place different orders.
The homework task involves answering questions about Exchange Order Books.
@yohan2on [ Uganda ] - assisted by @kouba01 [ Tunisia ]
This week Professor @Yohan2on is looking at Swing Trading.
The homework task involves creating a trading plan to demonstrate your understanding of Swing Trading.
Homework Guidelines
We are keen to ensure that all contributions to the Steemit Crypto Academy are of as high a standard as possible.
While the Crypto Professors may set specific requirements for some of their homework tasks we would suggest all students follow these basic guidelines…
- Title the post with the format - Crypto Academy Week 15 - Homework Post for [name of Crypto Professor] …
- Homework posts should be at least 300 words
- All work should be your own - plagiarism will not be tolerated
- Any graphs, screenshots, quotes etc used from other sources should be fully referenced
- Any images used should be from copyright-free sources and fully referenced
- Homework posts should include the tag #cryptoacademy and any tag specifically required by the Crypto Professor in the first five tags. It will also be good to include a tag for your country.
- Tag the relevant Crypto Professor to help them find your homework post.
Please make sure you send your homework posts into the Crypto-Academy community…
Homework posts should be submitted no later than 11.59pm UTC, on Saturday, May 29th 2021. Note this is one day earlier than usual.
Please check each Professor’s post carefully for any special instructions they have given for their homework task. Once you have completed your homework post make sure you leave a link on the Professor’s post to ensure they see it.
Following all these guidelines carefully will help you gain higher vote rewards for your homework posts.
New Voting Rules for Season 2
To encourage people to do more research and put more effort into producing higher quality homework posts @steemcurator02 will now only be voting on posts that achieve a grade of 5 out of 10 or above from the Professor.
Additionally to discourage ‘content farming’ from multi-accounts set up purely to harvest votes from the Crypto Academy @steemcurator02 will only consider giving votes on homework posts submitted by people with reputations of 50 or above.
If you are new to Steem we suggest you join the Newcomers Community and do the Achievement Tasks there to get to know the platform and build up your reputation before joining the Crypto Academy…
To further discourage content farmers who commonly power down and cash out on a continual basis we will not, at our discretion, be voting on any posts from authors who are powering down.
Additionally to further discourage content farming and to encourage Academy students to build more of a stake in the platform we are introducing one further rule this week. We will not, at our discretion, be voting on posts from authors who do not have at least 100 SP in their wallet due to constant selling of the rewards from their homework posts.
The Steemit Crypto Academy community
The Crypto Academy community is ONLY for posts to do with the courses being run by the Crypto Professors…
Alongside the course posts from the Crypto Professors, the only other posts in the Steemit Crypto Academy community should be homework posts for the tasks set by the professors.
Please do not post general crypto related posts now in the Steemit Crypto Academy Community. Any non-Academy posts may be muted.
We hope as many of you as possible will join in with the Steemit Crypto Academy courses and do the homework tasks set by the Crypto Professors. You are free to follow as many of the courses as you want.
In this second season of the Academy we are putting a greater emphasis on improving the quality of the homework posts.
We are also be putting even more resources into curbing plagiarism, content farming and other abuse.
We are keen for the Steemit Crypto Academy to provide a high quality learning opportunity for those willing to put in the effort to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world of cryptocurrencies.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Thank you so much.
Steemit Crypto Academy is now a community size of 707 unique authors, and this number is steadily growing.
Most importantly the trending page is much better now with the introduction of the new threshold.
We will continue to work hard to make it an excellent learning ground.
Thank you.
Steem on.
steem on
100 Steem Power is Compulsory?? My Level is 52 and steem power is 31 can i Post in this community?? Can I do my Homework?? Mentioned
@alphafx Please tell me
Unfortunately no, explore the steemit community, you will reach it in no time
Hi @steemitblog Team,
wrong link attached with this post. It should be the one posted by @yousafharoonkhan but its opening the lesson by @sapwood.
Please update if possible. Thanks
I agree with you. I can not access the homework of @yousafharoonkhan.
yeah. it should be updated soon. Thanks.
Updated, thanks!
I hope you can review this post from indodax team, the largest crypto market in Indonesia.
thank you.
Hello, @steemblog, @steemcurator01 and dear Steemit Team. We are writing this letter to you on behalf of the Steemit Azerbaijan Community. For the past month, we have been introducing people to the Steemit Platform in our country, educating them about the platform, and even setting up the Steemit Azerbaijan Community to bring them together. So, although the Steemit Azerbaijan Community has been established in less than a month, it already has about 60 active, well-educated, high-quality content-sharing users and even social media channels such as Facebook and Telegram.
There are currently 60 active members in Steemit Azerbaijan Community, and if consider our country's potential it can grow to huge numbers. But the only obstacle we face is that people want incentives, they want to be rewarded. To some extent, we support Azerbaijani users who join our community by investing in voting bots. But as the subscription grows, our work gets harder.
That's truly why now we're writing to you. We ask you to support us by appointing a representative to Azerbaijan. We hope you will understand and consider our situation, it is really necessary to further expand our community and keep it together
Steemit Azerbaijan Community
Facebook səhifəsi
Steemit Azerbaijan Community
Telegram group
Steemit Azerbaijan Community
Discord kanalı
Azerbaijan Steemit
Hello @steemblog and steemit team. I have been here for more than 3 years and I love this platform. At the moment, my main goal is to inform everyone, especially the Steemit Azerbaijani community, about veganism and show people new tastes by sharing some recipes. We need your support.
Hello, dear @steemblog and Steemit Team. I'm a content writer and marketolog from Azerbaijan. I have been using the Steemit platform for the last three years.
Nowadays I have started to promote the Steemit platform among the content producers in Azerbaijan. I have also been sharing helpful guidelines about the Steemit in Azerbaijani.
Hope You Will Hear Our Community's Voice!
Hello, dear @steemblog and Steemit Team. I'm a content writer and marketolog from Azerbaijan. I have been using the Steemit platform for the last three years.
Nowadays I have started to promote the Steemit platform among the content producers in Azerbaijan. I have also been sharing helpful guidelines about the Steemit in Azerbaijani.
Hope You Will Hear Our Community's Voice!
Sehr geehrte Steemit-Team. Wir schreiben Ihnen diesen Brief im Namen der Steemit Aserbaidschan Community. Im vergangenen Monat haben wir Menschen in unserem Land mit der Steemit-Plattform bekannt gemacht. Außerdem ie über die haben wir die Steemit-Aserbaidschan-Gemeinschaft gegründet, um die Leute zusammenzubringen. Wir haben bereits etwa 60 aktive, gut ausgebildete und qualitativ hochwertige Benutzer, die Inhalte in Social-Media-Kanäle wie Facebook und Telegramm teilen.
Wenn wir das Potenzial unseres Landes berücksichtigen, kann es zu einer großen Zahl werden. Das einzige Hindernis, dem wir gegenüberstehen, ist, dass die Menschen belohnt werden wollen. Bis zu einem gewissen Umfang unterstützen wir aserbaidschanische Benutzer, die sich unserer Community anschließen, indem wir in Abstimmungsbots investieren. Mit zunehmendem Abonnement wird unsere Arbeit jedoch schwieriger.
Deshalb bitten wirbSie, uns durch die Ernennung eines Vertreters in Aserbaidschan zu unterstützen. Wir hoffen, dass Sie unsere Situation verstehen und berücksichtigen. Es ist wirklich notwendig, unsere Community weiter auszubauen und zusammenzuhalten.
🌺your work has been remarkable 💓

This is another week of learning, my knowledge of cryptocurrencies has greatly upgraded.
Thanks to the initiators behind this community
Saludos bendiciones a todos seguimos en constante aprendizaje y ampliando nuestros conocimientos felicito a todos los profesores y @steemitblog por la iniciativa.
We started a new week of learning, thank you and congratulations for such hard work.
Thanks so much for the updates @steemitblog for this great updates.
Payout in the next 2 days