The individual at war and a short reflection on OODA loops. (Letters 7.2)
Although I found @ty-ty's (Letters 7.0) an insightful and very deep exploration of the usage of the OODA loop model (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), I need to assert that it is a very simple, maybe the simplest model of decision of them all and, it is its simplicity that makes for it's strength when time is short or conditions are stressfull and there need not be a human adversary involved. Although the creation of this model is attributed to a military man. it is in no way exclusive to military application. Although it was, in its origin an approach for fast decision making while in air combat, since it's inception during the Second World War, this decision model has been explored in all areas of human activity that require decision making.

After reading, re-reading. thinking and re-thinking about @jeff-kubitz extensive comentary to the same (Letters 7.0), in (Letters 7.1), I am forced to go into a derivation that does not directly relate to the matter at hand, so I can then reenter the discussion of what constitutes perception and consciousness.
One does find that in epistemology of the military and martial that thought is not what keeps one alive or worse, injured, as reaction. The removal of conscious thoughts and a pure switch to automatic and more powerful, faster subconscious is a guarantor of surety to success. The observation that the subconscious left do what wants, or calculates to be the choice in a situation, notably self preservation could be distilled directly contact and interaction of the soul.
I am forced to strongly disagree with this view, and to find it based upon popular beliefs induced by the movie industry. There is no such thing as the removal of conscious thoughts while in war and that is the reason for the existence of Shell Shock, Combat Fatigue, PTSD, call it whatever eufemism you want. I would also like to point out that, if you go brain dead into military combat, you will come out very much dead.
The part the subconscious plays in any form of combat, let's change the theme to Judo or basketball, for example, because I don't much like the former, is related to conditioned reflexes that you acquire by constantly training the same coordinated actions over and over again, either individually, or as a team. Having said this, and implying that unconditioned reflexes always play a part, you should never face an opponent if you are not in the full use of your perceptual and decision making abilities. Even though there are pharmaceutical products that enhance these capacities, that are considered doping in sports and stimulants in a war setting, it's important to observe what happens to someone in it's natural, not chemically enhanced state when put under intense, life threatening, or, life changing, stress.
Biology describes that, at high levels of stress, our body is flooded with natural endorphines and, most importantly, adrenaline. Whatever the physical and chemical process, considerations about fight or flight, or whatever mambo-jambo psychology says happens, what you feel are four effects that you don't observe in your regular, everyday life. The first is increased sensual perception: you hear better, smell previously unnoticed smells, you feel what happens behind your back through your skin, and you get a power up to your physical strength, feeling less pain; the second is, your point of view tends to change and you can see things from outside yourself, usually from above, and you see better, too; the third is time dilation, as everything starts to flow in slow motion; and the fourth, that is what matters most for my point, you rationalize everything, think faster and, if well trained, you take better decisions.
I can assure you that nobody wants disconnected dimwits in war, as they are most likely to get themselves suicided by stupidity. Saying anything to the contrary would be to deny centuries of exploration of the best way to select the best soldiers and officers, and that, is always a measure of their capacity to handle decisions in a mature, balanced and cold manner. From your post, I also must deduce you have never been put into a split second decision situation in the very end of a basketball game, nor to a really life threatening situation, and that, makes me very happy for you, as statistics say you live longer if you undergo less stress during your life. To be able to take good decisions in a tight spot, is fundamental.
Now... Let´s change to some happier subjects. :)
@hefestus 08.03.25

My adrenaline center pours a lot while reading this. So, I decided not to answer. But as I cannot be fully silent, I hereby declare to apologize you for having been victim of targeted propaganda. If I wouldn't I were not able to debate with you anymore.
No, I'm nor kidding nor doing some sarcasm at this moment.
[edit 5 minutes later]
I expected or 'knew' you will be able handle this.
2nd, PS: You would need to clarify what got your juices running, so I can further explain what I mean.
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Due to some illness factors not possible at this time.
Please hold the line.
Sure. Get well soon. :)))
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Your question concerning 'q-bits' reached me via @Weisser-Rabe.
I will have to look on this before answering.
Have I been? I really don't think so, as it results from my own experiences and has deep consequences on the debate about the reach, form and funcioning of each one's sphere of consciousness (soul/prana/morphogenetic field, etc...)
As you cannot fully translate art. I also can not fully translate the extreme states of being I described here.
And... I am not kidding, either.
Plus... I don't believe your adrenaline to be running in any meaningful way.
Edit: 20 minutes later
I think you are just upset at disagreeing. That is in no way comparable to facing a life threatening situation. Did you ever bungee jump? Been in a car accident? Still does not quite reeach the full experience of the conscience that being alive in the next instant depends on what you do next.
That is an eligible [hope I got the right word] question.
If I would have been victim of some propaganda - and I'm sure I've been several times - how could I detect this and escape from it?
I can imagine that all my life or especially my encounter with epistemology be some type of propaganda. There will be no proofs of this and no proofs of the contrary - as there is no proof to decide if we live within a 'matrix'.
Surely right! Both.
I deny that there is such a thing beyond the emotion it would be so. At least it isn't for all people the same experience.
But be it so or so -- that was not the point in my adrenaline statement.
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Obviously, the experience is different from individual to individual. Even with the introduction of chemical enhancers that constitute an effort to get everybody into that same mindset, it does not work for everybody in the same way.
I assert that it is so in such a strong perceivable way, that you get addicted to it.
PS: I'm not being a biological mechanicist. I'm pointing to a mechanism that, somehow detaches our perception from our physical bodies while under extreme perceived danger and I reafirm that the ability to still take good decisions is fundamental.
Sorry, I still can't follow. Or maybe I should better say: I won't follow.
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I also will not proceed with this conversation as I cannot detatch from my own interpretation of what I have experienced and, also, this discussion brings me back to 'mind' places where I do not want to be and that I don't want to dwelve into and talk about. So, I would propose we end this line of debate, which will not be productive and follow on to other matters.
Experiences are the one side, interpretations of experiences AS something the other side.
We do not have any need to go on with this issue, but I think, we could take an abstract or distanced look (anywhen) to propaganda and ideology - since these are philosophical issues besides our concrete experiences and their interpreations AS something.
I like to extrapolate my experiences, as they are not unique and others have reported the same. Departing from the particular to the general always seems to me a meaningful way to approach a subject. I cannot, however, share most of it due to some nda's and, what I could, leaves me uneasy to even think about.
Maybe I'll find a way to discuss this in a conceptual manner in a later date. Time will be needed for that.
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At this point some remark on 'chief q-bits' (I do not want to disrespect him, the formula deserves only a little 'encryptioning'):
As far as I know is he in a similar way experienced and injured. Maybe even traumatised.
Thus I do not oppose his 'surface madnesses'.
I try to filter out the parts which 'carry meaning' (in my regard and perception).