Estamos construyendo¨STEEM¨ ¨CHALLENGE¨ Juntos podemos hacer algo grande por nuestra compañía (Dándote a conocer algunos miembros de la comunidad)

in Urdu Community4 years ago
Hace algunas semana nuestro amigo @yousafharoonkhan me invito a formar parte de nuestra ¨SteemChallengeCommunity¨ como ¨moderador¨, y desde entonces estoy organizando mi vida ¨personal¨ para poder brindar más¨ asistencia¨ a los miembros de la comunidad


A few weeks ago our friend @yousafharoonkhan invited me to be part of our ¨SteemChallengeCommunity¨ as a ¨moderator¨, and since then I have been organizing my ¨personal¨ life to be able to provide more¨ assistance¨ to community members

Como saben nuestra comunidad está en pleno desarrollo; Hasta ahora somos un poco más de 800 ¨integrantes¨, y necesitamos crecer en ¨suscriptores¨; No hace falta decir que están todos invitados a unirse a nosotros, sin importar su lengua materna, ¨español¨, ¨inglés¨, ¨ruso¨, cualquiera sea tu ¨idioma¨ te puedes unir a nuestra ¨SteemChallengeCommunity¨

As you know, our community is in full swing; So far we are a little more than 800 "members", and we need to grow in "subscribers"; It goes without saying that everyone is invited to join us, regardless of their mother tongue, ¨Spanish¨, ¨English¨, ¨Russian¨, whatever your ¨language¨ you can join our ¨SteemChallengeCommunity¨

En esta oportunidad deseo darte a conocer a algunos de nuestros ¨amigos¨ ¨integrantes¨

In this opportunity I want to introduce you to some of our ¨friends¨ ¨integrantes¨

@jahangirayaz comparte algunas palabras en su post que nos invita a una ¨reflexión¨, además de unas hermosas fotografías de ¨flores¨. No dudes en visitar su post
@jahangirayaz shares some words in his post that invites us to a ¨reflection¨, as well as some beautiful photographs of ¨flowers¨. Feel free to visit his post

@haseeb-asif-khan nos da a conocer en detalle cómo se presentó su día, y las cosas que hizo durante ella; Nos enseña una serie de ¨medicamentos¨ que está tomando, y unas hermosas fotografías; Sin dudas lo querrás conocer

@ haseeb-asif-khan tells us in detail how he presented her day, and the things he did during it; He shows us a series of ¨medicines¨ that he is taking, and some beautiful photographs; You will undoubtedly want to know it

Por último y no menos importante esta nuestro amigo @javeed9009 que nos da a conocer una hermosas fotografías de un ¨emprendimiento¨ que tiene con un amigo

Last but not least is our friend @ javeed9009 who shows us beautiful photographs of an ¨entrepreneurship¨ that he has with a friend

En nuestra comunidad promovemos los trabajos originales, ¨repudiamos¨ las ¨malas¨ ¨costumbres¨, y todo lo que vayan contra las ¨reglas¨ de ¨publicación¨ de nuestra compañía; Sabemos que muchas veces los autores no encuentran un material para publicar, en los próximos post hablaremos de temas que les pueden interesar

In our community we promote original works, ¨repudiate¨ the ¨bad¨ ¨customs¨, and everything that goes against the ¨rules¨ of ¨publication¨ of our company; We know that many times the authors do not find a material to publish, in the next post we will talk about topics that may interest them


 4 years ago 

@jlufer I am very grateful to you for choosing my post and you appreciated me. We are all doing a good job in the community. And you see better than we do. Because you have been working on steemit for a long time. We try to do what we do during the day in the evening. It's our effort, it's our truth. The work we do during the day makes the post

@jlufer Te estoy muy agradecido por elegir mi puesto y me valoraste. Todos estamos haciendo un buen trabajo en la comunidad. Y ves mejor que nosotros. Porque llevas mucho tiempo trabajando en steemit. Intentamos hacer lo que hacemos durante el día por la noche. Es nuestro esfuerzo, es nuestra verdad. El trabajo que hacemos durante el día hace que la publicación

 4 years ago 

how are you dear friend @ haseeb-asif-khan good day
You are doing a great job in our company (steemi), it has an excellent wall. Congratulations
I appreciate your comment in Spanish.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

 4 years ago 

I'm fine and I want to know how you are. I try to keep working well. I am very sick nowadays. I appeal to you to pray

Estoy bien y quiero informarte sobre tu bienestar. Trato de seguir trabajando bien. Estoy muy enfermo en estos días. Les pido que oren

 4 years ago 

yes respected @jlufer brother
our steemians are doing great work , and @jahangirayaz is ill and he shared with us his detail diary of the day, and @javeed9009 shared nice photos and and your pick is great,,, sir,, we appreciate all community member work thank brother

 4 years ago 

hello dear friend @yousafharoonkhan good afternoon
It is true, they are doing a great job, and you are guiding them very well. Congratulations
have a wonderful weekend. enjoy it very much

 4 years ago 

it is your love and great appreciation, i am trying my best to guide every one, thank dear

Our stemmen are doing a very good job and doing their duty well and are very encouraging to us sir we all appreciate the members you are encouraging us thank you sir

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much dear friend @shafiullahz for your kind words
have a splendid weekend

@jlufer I am very grateful to you for choosing my post and you appreciated me. We are all doing a good job with the steemchallenge community. Thank you very much for checking our posts.

 4 years ago 

It is a pleasure dear friend @jahangirayaz keep up the good work.
I take this opportunity to wish you a long afternoon and a happy rest

Assalam walekum sir ji Sir, your post is very good, you are such a good guide, the person understands the person well. Meaning, I have read the post, it was a very good post, so all the students are also urging you, you explain to them with so much love.

 4 years ago 

How are you dear friend @ fazalniazi12 I appreciate with all my heart your kind words, you are very kind
have a beautiful weekend

 4 years ago 

Our Stamens are working very well and checking our posts on a daily basis which is very encouraging to us which is why we are all working hard and thank you all members very much. Yes thanks...

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much dear friend @ansardillewali for sharing your opinion and the support you give us to our community
have a beautiful afternoon

Our Stamens are doing a great job. They check the posts we post every day. We are very grateful to them.

 4 years ago 

hello dear friend @ karim1234 thank you very much for the support you provide to our community
have a beautiful afternoon

muy buena iniciativa amigo, aqui estare apoyandolos,saludos y cuidese delvirus aqui en venezuela esta fuerte, un abrazo.

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo querida amiga @petrarodriguez y los buenos deseos
que pases un hermoso fin de semana