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RE: Selfless love ❤️

in Steem SEA5 days ago (edited)

You made a great start although I don't like the title. Selfish & Love would capture it more.

I wonder how a hard working mother can have such a spoiled selfish daughter. It sounds as if that daughter didn't copy her hard working and saving behaviour.


What spoiled it for me was the remark (mother's love).
There's no need to mention this let the reader room to think what s/he likes. This remark is also a sign it's not a story and no fiction.

The past is a dialogue

Present (start with a capital letter):

A dialogue with oneself mother's love is made clear

Current situation (start with a capital letter):

No dialogue, not Hira at word, who talks, tells this part? I would have liked it more if it was her.


What I don't like is the fact you decide that giving birth is the most difficult thing in a woman's life.
If this is your opinion you didn't live long enough but even if you did I rather see you talk for yourself (or Hira) since women are not the same and I don't like to be labelled which I feel if I read this.

No matter how hard my life was or is I am not Hira and I cannot identify myself with her althoug we might have a lot in common.

What happens if I feel labelled, if I am given the idea I should feel like Hira? I stop feeling for her and am not interested/curious reading on because to me she has nothing intriguing to say.

The idea of writing this is very original and refreshing and overall it looks good. 👍