Selfless love ❤️

in Steem SEA4 days ago




Hira my dear daughter, learn some work. When you get married, you won't have to depend on anyone. Don't use your mobile all the time, your eyesight will be weak (mother's love).
No, mother, nothing is wrong, my eyesight is perfectly fine. And these household chores are not my responsibility. You should hire a maid.
Hey, how can I hire a maid? I have already had such a hard time in this period of inflation. And the savings I make are for your marriage. When you go to your in-laws tomorrow, I hope you don't have any problem there.


I miss my mother so much that I don't even know the time.
How unique is a mother's love. We don't appreciate it in time and when time passes, mother is no longer there.
Earlier, when we were sick, mother used to feed us with her own hands, and now when we are sick, there is no one to ask.

currently situation

The pregnancy time passes, but the most difficult stage in a woman's life is when the child is born. Today Hira is thinking that if her mother had been with her during this difficult time, her pain would have been less.

Hira's screams echoed throughout the room. She felt like she was going to die. The pain of labor pains is like the pain of death for a woman. She goes through it and gives birth to a child. Hira felt like this was the last moment and the last minute of her life. Gathering all her courage, she started reciting the Holy Quran. But suddenly a voice came that breathed new life into Hira's body.
As soon as Her son's cry came, she felt as if she had passed a difficult test.
And that was the moment when she was in a state of mixed sadness and joy. The sadness of leaving her mother and the joy of holding her child in her arms.
And the first thing Hira said to her son was, ## "Your voice is the most precious gift from God to me."

<The End

Cc:- @aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

@aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty

I will give this article 9 out of 10. First I gave it 8 but then I gave it 9 because I remembered the day when my son came into this world. And the greatest joy of my life was when he came into my arms and I thanked God for hearing his cry.
In the most difficult time for a woman, with the help of God, we gain new life and bring a new life into this world. And that is the moment when we truly appreciate our mother.

#wewrite #comment

So you give 1 point extra because you suddenly remembered something (you gave birth) or?

You know this is about writing, skills, niches, reaching the reader by the words, pictures we use. That's what the grade you give should be based on. Whereis it you stand among all those other writers? Is your yext better than what you read in average on Steemit? If so why?

First of all, I want to know whether this is a criticism or a question.
I had thought of 8 marks for this article, but in this post I wanted to describe the courage and strength of a woman in clear words. I have described some sad moments, some moments of pain, and finally moments of happiness in this article and then I felt that 9 marks, not 8 marks, is right in terms of a woman's thinking.
I did not want to compete with other steemians. I completed my writing with the words that expressed my own thoughts and happiness. And I am proud of what I have written and I am satisfied with the grade I have given.
And this was the principle of the program itself that you should feel free to write whatever you want to write, in which you are happy. No one will judge us. We have to grade our posts ourselves, so our posts cannot be criticized. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, but no criticism.
#wewrite #comment

So you mean Lesson 5 ended here because we will not comment and be critical?
Thanks for letting me know.

You made a great start although I don't like the title. Selfish & Love would capture it more.

I wonder how a hard working mother can have such a spoiled selfish daughter. It sounds as if that daughter didn't copy her hard working and saving behaviour.


What spoiled it for me was the remark (mother's love).
There's no need to mention this let the reader room to think what s/he likes. This remark is also a sign it's not a story and no fiction.

The past is a dialogue

Present (start with a capital letter):

A dialogue with oneself mother's love is made clear

Current situation (start with a capital letter):

No dialogue, not Hira at word, who talks, tells this part? I would have liked it more if it was her.


What I don't like is the fact you decide that giving birth is the most difficult thing in a woman's life.
If this is your opinion you didn't live long enough but even if you did I rather see you talk for yourself (or Hira) since women are not the same and I don't like to be labelled which I feel if I read this.

No matter how hard my life was or is I am not Hira and I cannot identify myself with her althoug we might have a lot in common.

What happens if I feel labelled, if I am given the idea I should feel like Hira? I stop feeling for her and am not interested/curious reading on because to me she has nothing intriguing to say.

The idea of writing this is very original and refreshing and overall it looks good. 👍

 2 days ago 

Sahabatku @naina9.
Kenangan yang kita rasakan bila terkait dengan yang bernama Ibu tidak akan pernah habis untuk diceritakan.

Awal mula kita mulai betapa beratnya perjuangan seorang Ibu saat kita sudah mulai hamil dan melahirkan. Andai waktu bisa di putar. Kita ingin kembali dan berbakti pada Ibu yang melahirkan kita dengan sepenuh hati. Bukankah demikian trmanku @naina9.
Semoga anak-anak kita menjadi anak yang sholeh ya.

Oh ya @naina9. apakah yang kamu maksudkan dalam setuasi saat itu apabila Ibu kamu masih hidup, rasa sakit kamu berkurang saat melahirkan dengan doa-doa dari Ibu yang memberikan semangat secara mental ?

Berikut adalah terjemahan kalimat ke dalam bahasa Inggris:

Dear friend @naina9,

The memories we share about our mothers will never run out. We remember the struggles our mothers faced from the start of our pregnancy to childbirth. The journey was not easy, and their sacrifices will always be etched in our hearts.

If only time could be turned back, we'd want to return and devote ourselves to our mothers who gave birth to us with all their heart. We'd want to repay them for their love and care. Isn't that right, my friend @naina9?

I hope our children grow up to be righteous and make us proud. As mothers, we want the best for our children, and we pray that they will always be guided by good values.

Oh, @naina9, I'm curious, if your mother were still alive, would your pain during childbirth be reduced by her prayers and mental encouragement? Would her presence have made a difference in your experience?

#wewrite #miner-wewrite

We know the love and value of a mother only when we ourselves become mother. Mothers struggle a lot to keep their children safe from every cold and heat. And thank God that I also serve my mother and love her very much.
My father passed away 3 years ago. But thank God that my mother is alive. This story was a fiction but the comment was my personal experience.
Have a good day dear.
#wewrite #comment

 2 days ago 

Berbahagialah kamu @naina9 masih memiliki seorang Ibu. Sayangilah Ibu kamu dengan sepenuh hati. Karena walaupun saya sudah tua, saya masih merindukan kasih sayang seorang Ibu. Sayangnya Ibu saya sudah meninggal sejak 21 tahun yang lalu. Sementara ayah saya sejak saya masih kecil berumur 5 tahun sudah meninggal. Walau cerita itu fiksi. Namun saya dapat merasakan bagaimana perjuangan seorang Ibu dalam mengandung, melahirkan dan membesarkan anak-anak nya. Sehat selalu ya sayang. Srmoga harimu juga menyenangkan 😘
#wewrite #miner-wewrite