My plans for the next few weeks

As a top steem witness, my duties certainly include activities apart from running a witness node (producing blocks). Here are some items on my to-do list.

  • Finish the steem2sui swap - I am currently stuck at the last bit. I haven't got much time in debugging/fixing that.
  • Some reported the page steem witness is laggy - I need to investigate.
  • Add tests and set up CI to steem load balancer
  • Open source a repo/tool to save steem posts locally.
  • Contribute to since the main has been targeted the latest. Some tasks:
    • Fixing build on latest OS ubuntu24.04.
    • Add instructions to build locally
    • Simplify the build process

If you have any interesting tasks, feel free to comment below. Thanks!

Steem to the Moon🚀!