Missing Instructions to Build Steemd without Docker

in Witness Activities16 hours ago

I've spent sometime to experiment the steemd repo today. And a very first thing I noticed is the repo is missing instructions to build locally (without docker).

I've created a issue: https://github.com/steemit/steem/issues/3691

I've tried to mkdir buid; cd buid; cmake ../ and it has this error:


I tried to build using docker - it seems to work - but taking ages..

Steem to the Moon🚀!


It is possible. I did it. Currently I've not much time, so I can give you only a short hint.
The main reason for your problem is that Ubuntu later than version 18 uses an newer Boost version. You should install another Boost version, which not could be done with the apt repos...

We strongly recommend using one of our pre-built Docker images or using Docker to build Steem. Both of these processes are described in the Quickstart Guide.

But if you would still like to build from source, we also have build instructions for Linux (Ubuntu LTS) and macOS.

No idea if those instructions work on modern versions of Ubuntu, though. I haven't compiled it in years.