Helpienaut Meeting May 28 - 2018
Hello my dear Friends, we had a great conversation today and I hope everyone found it productive and educational. I happen to think that @socent (Ivy) dropped some important truth bombs that should help us get over that mental block.
This is the Full Recording
Want to be part of @helpie ?
We are always looking for community oriented members to come join our group. If you understand the value of a community, the power of cooperation and believe in the long term vision of Steem and it's communities, we would like to hear from you.
This is an incomplete list of the @helpie scouts that are roaming our blockchain and discord:
- @paintingangels - on Discord as paintingangels(serena)#3668
- @socent - on Discord as socent#3214.
- @nathankaye
- @art-mess
Time to speed up
We might not be seeing the best of action in the crypto markets, but that is exactly the reason why none of us should be thinking about throwing in the towel. Its time to focus, continue to grow, continue to learn and keep on posting. It's not about the now, its about what we can accomplish in the future.
Much love
Other posts by yours truly
• The White Paper is not Holy, let's move on.
• Thoughts on Steem's complicated Politics & Witnesses
• Open Mic Week 86 - Top 5 Selection and Honorable Mentions
• So I'm trying this Exodus Wallet thingy mcjigger
• I suspect my parents are sending me
hopefully you make it to the next one brother.
When is the next one?
Every monday 6pm Eastern time. Here, on the internet (just in case)
I will like to be part of the community, how can I connect.
It has always been my desire to be part of a community with long term vision.
I've been making some friends on msp already, all thanks to you.
send me a msg on discord... :)
when u randomly listenin to meno's show and randomly hear your name midway thru:
Thanks for sayin that <3
Hello Liler wilerton... you wanna be frenz?

In the unit there is the real strength, a pleasure to meet you, greetings. MenO
Hola Oscar, gracias por el comentario... obviamente de acuerdo, la union hace la fuerza!
Ok, creo que alguna vez nos hemos cruzado en este océano, somos tantos, venimos de tantos sitios distintos,ya mi única neurona no da para mucho, algunos como mi caso con experiencias de otras webs, en fin, es un placer de verdad. MenO
Y puede ser, yo sinceramente tengo que hacer un mayor esfuerzo en enterarme sobre lo que esta pasando con mis hermanos hispanos. Obviamente naci en america latina y aunque tengo una vida entera fuera, mi corazon esta encunado en mi lengua madre.
Espero con ayuda de @wilins ser un poco mas efectivo interactuando con esa parte de mi vida.
Un placer conocerte tb
I loved being part of this @meno! Thanks for allowing me to share some truth and help my helpies :)
Love my helpies and love Steem!