Healthy habits for supporting yourself during stressful times.

in #healthy8 years ago (edited)
  1. Turn off your devices no later than 10 pm, so you can have a good night sleep (the type of light used for computer screens and smartphones interferes with our circadian rhythms, and terrible news don't help either)
    bonus: if you must use your device, download f.lux which adjusts the light on your screen according to the natural rhythms.

  2. Find a way to drink clean water, and lots of it.
    This may not be as easy as it seems. Do your own research, but I will tell you this much: plastic bottles often leak xenoestrogens that make infertility, (unwanted) facial hair and manboobs a real possibility. Still many watersheds and municipal water supplies are hardly a healthy alternative. Sigh.

  3. Practice dry brushing, which is great for opening up skin pores as channels of elimination, stimulates blood and lymph flow which in turn helps internal organs to do a better job.

  4. Substitute regular sugar with molasses - hard or liquid. That way you still get important minerals and don't spike your insulin quite as dramatically as when you use conventional sweeteners. Oh, and stay away from Splenda and such (please do your own research, too big of a topic for this post)

  5. Eat only organic meat, and eat less of it.
    The quality of organic and "regular"(supermarket) meat is not comparable, and so is nutritional value.
    The price of organic is higher, but you will definitely feel better and more satisfied if you opt for it.

  6. Eat only fresh-water fish. The pollution in the oceans have reached a critical point. Ignore it at your own peril.

  7. Eat lots of greens like spinach and kale (watercress is even better, but less widely available) and other plant sources of magnesium and potassium (among other important minerals) which balance the high amount of sodium
    that is typical for an average person in our culture. That takes stress off of adrenals and generally keeps metabolism in much better way.

  8. Be sure to get some sunlight (sans sunscreen.) It is necessary for your body's natural production of vitamin D. They say that about 15 min thrice a week is enough, but I am sure 30 min or so would be great. That is essential for proper adsorption of calcium, and also for healthy functioning of thyroid and endocrine system in general.

  9. Consume good quality organic oils and get rid of the bad ones like commercially grown canola, corn, soy and generic "vegetable" oil, which normally just signifies a mix.

  10. Breath with your lower belly, moving blood and aiding digestion and give your body a signal to relax and regenerate (as opposed to be in a fight-or-flight mode, as the upper-chest breathing does.)

  11. Use pure good quality spices which stimulate metabolism and aid digestion, as well as fight parasites and infections and boost immune function. Turmeric, ginger and garlic are the great staples to start with, but there is a world of amazing options out there.

  12. Use seeds in your diet, to get rare and important forms of plant-based fats and also get benefits similar to spices.
    My own personal favorite are basil seeds that have done more for my health than conventional treatments ever did.

  13. Use sea salt in place of regular table salt.

  14. Avoid "enriched" products that have artificial ingredients that are hard to metabolize and are believed to actually do more harm than good.

These are just some of tried and true methods that helped many people to turn their life around, feel healthier, happier and have more power to go after their other goals.

I will add to the post at the later date if I remember something else that has been helpful and important.
Best of luck in your pursuit of healthier, happier life!


You've provided a lot of good suggestions here. Many would do quite well to heed your advice. That's why I prefer to shop in the woods or the Garden rather than at the store these days.

that is the best way! (still remember venturing into the forest to gather mushrooms and berries when I was little.) small steps for most of us :) ever since I practice these things I am so much better I want to share with others who are still feeling bad about feeling bad