Among 100 smokers, how many will eventually get lung cancer? Cancer Research UK explains

Smoking can be said to be a very common thing. The number of smokers in China is especially large, and the number of cigarettes consumed by smokers in a day is even more terrifying.

Even though we all know that smoking is harmful to our health and does no good to our body, there are still many people who are addicted to it and even smoke a whole pack of cigarettes a day.


The two words smoking and lung cancer seem to have been associated with each other for quite a long time. It seems that they have been constantly discussed by major netizens since the beginning of the Internet.

The reason is also very understandable. Lung cancer, the most common malignant lung tumor of tracheal, bronchial mucosa or glandular origin, is one of the cancers with the highest mortality rate in the world.

Smoking has long become an indispensable part of some people's daily lives.

As modern people continue to pursue their own health, the degree of discussion on this topic has naturally increased.

But is there a specific numerical value that describes the chance of lung cancer among smokers? In other words, out of 100 smokers, how many will eventually get lung cancer?

Through insights from Cancer Research UK, a more comprehensive explanation has been obtained.


  1. Dangers of Smoking
    Almost all of us have known that smoking is harmful to health since we were young. Not only will our family members always remind us, but there will also be many push notifications on our mobile phones and televisions about smoking cessation.

However, there are still many people who do not take it seriously and gradually step into the quagmire of smoking. From a few cigarettes a day to a pack a day, they gradually find that their bodies are controlled by cigarettes.

One day you will regret your original decision and be entangled in the pain caused by smoking. If you regret it, it will be too late and it will be difficult to quit smoking.


In the final analysis, one is not paying attention to physical health, and the other is not having a deep understanding of the harm of smoking to our health.

We need to understand the risk factors of lung cancer caused by smoking. One of the most obvious risk factors is the duration and intensity of smoking.

This can be divided into two aspects. In short, it is the length of time involved in smoking within 24 hours a day.

In the long run, it depends on when you started smoking and whether you are still smoking.

In common parlance, it is the number of years of smoking. Let’s take the example of 15 years of smoking and half a pack of cigarettes per day.


In the first one or two years, saliva secretion in the mouth will be suppressed due to the influence of smoke, which will cause bacteria in the mouth to multiply efficiently.

What follows is the emergence of periodontal disease, gingivitis, bad breath, oral white spots and other diseases. The throat is constantly exposed to erosion caused by high-temperature smoke and becomes inflamed.


If you feel phlegm accumulated in your throat or feel nauseous after brushing your teeth, you must be careful.

In three to five years, harmful substances such as tar and nicotine in smoke will gradually weaken the natural protective function of the respiratory tract like a file.

At this time, asthma, COPD, emphysema, etc. will also become common diseases often associated with smokers.

In eight to ten years, gastrointestinal function has begun to become imbalanced. At this time, due to damage to the gastric mucosa combined with gastritis and gastric ulcers, the risk of gastric cancer will increase exponentially.

The liver also becomes in danger, and the virus stimulates chronic hepatitis virus activity, causing super-severe hepatitis to slowly develop.


In addition, pregnant women are more likely to have ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and premature births, while men's sperm is also deteriorating, making it difficult to get pregnant or having a high probability of disability in their offspring.

The price of cigarettes ranges from high to low. Smoking addiction is also a big burden on the economy, and the total cost of buying cigarettes is also a lot of money.


Smoking inhales thousands of harmful substances into our lungs, and various symptoms will follow.

This is the inevitable result of smoking, which is harmful to our body but not beneficial.

In detail, smoking can harm the health of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, immune system, oral cavity, skin, and bones.

Smoking not only harms our health, but many people still suffer from second-hand smoke even though they don’t smoke, and they still suffer from diseases even if they don’t smoke.


Therefore, smoking is harmful to health is a very serious issue. Smoking harms others and ourselves.

I hope we can all smoke less and stop smoking, for the sake of our health.

  1. Risk of lung cancer
    Since smoking is so harmful, what impact does smoking have on lung cancer that we are most concerned about?

Doctors say that quitting smoking is the most important way to greatly reduce the body's risk of lung cancer. The reasons are very complex, but the result often points to quitting smoking.


The reason we usually hear about lung cancer patients suffering from the disease is most likely caused by smoking.

Although there are many causes of lung cancer, smoking is the main risk factor.

From the data given by Cancer Research UK, we can clearly and intuitively see the impact of different levels of smoking on us at different ages.

Because lung cancer is a hidden and slow disease, the symptoms of lung cancer before the age of 45 are not very obvious.

Because the body's functions and health systems will gradually degrade as we age, the risk of lung cancer due to smoking also gradually increases with age.


If you avoid cigarettes, the probability of getting lung cancer by the age of 75 is only 0.3%, which means that there may only be three out of a thousand normal people.

If you have been deeply aware of the dangers of smoking since you were young, you have made up your mind to quit smoking since you were thirty.

Then the risk of developing lung cancer will be very low. The probability of developing lung cancer by the age of 75 is only about 1.5%.

Cumulatively, among a hundred people of different age groups who quit smoking early, three or four may develop lung cancer.

If you find that your body is getting worse because you keep smoking, and you realize that you must quit smoking, you change your mind and quit cigarettes at the age of fifty.

Then until you are seventy-five years old, your probability of getting lung cancer will increase a lot because you quit smoking late. But fortunately, you are aware of this problem and can reduce the risk as much as possible.

On this basis, there may be more than ten lung cancer patients among one hundred people of different age groups.

If you are a self-destructive person, you must smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, thinking that I will come to this world just to be happy.

So if you smoke uncontrollably and allow thousands of harmful substances to pour into your lungs, your chances of contracting lung cancer will increase exponentially.

Among people who smoke uncontrollably, about 25 out of 100 people may eventually develop lung cancer and die.

From the data, we can see that the harm caused by smoking to us is irreversible, and all harmful substances will be stored in our lungs.


Smoking has always been a very hot topic. We have also set up a no-smoking day and there are many anti-smoking propagandas.

But no words are more real than intuitive data. These data have been authoritative and experimental, and a large amount of data collection has high authenticity and authority.

I think anyone who smokes or not will be frightened after reading the data drawn from the report.

Therefore, the harm of cigarettes is very, very great, and quitting smoking is also an issue that needs to be taken seriously by smokers.

  1. Quitting smoking is not a child’s play
    Why is it so difficult to quit smoking? Probably every smoker knows the difficulty of quitting smoking. In many cases, it’s not because they don’t want to quit.

First of all, because the main ingredient in cigarettes is nicotine, nicotine is highly addictive, which is why many people are reluctant to part with it after smoking.

Nicotine quickly enters our brains and releases dopamine, which creates a pleasurable feeling in our brains.

In the time after we stop smoking, the wonderful feeling of dopamine release is always tempting our brains to pick up a cigarette, light it, and inhale it again.


In addition, when many people who are addicted to cigarettes start to try to quit smoking, they not only find themselves wanting to smoke, but also experience physical discomfort. This is the withdrawal reaction when quitting smoking.

Because we are accustomed to being with cigarettes every day, when we start to quit smoking, we will experience symptoms including anxiety, irritability, headaches, and tossing and turning.

In addition, when many people face multiple pressures in life and work, smoking a cigarette may only provide some inner comfort.

If he is suddenly asked to give up his companionship of cigarettes, you can imagine why it is very difficult to quit smoking due to various factors.

The first thing to do to stop smoking cessation is to stop it at the source.

Nowadays, many teenagers start smoking at a young age. They regard smoking as a way to mature and look cool.

It is too late to regret after becoming addicted to smoking. I think we should vigorously stop young people from smoking and strengthen education to prevent the future flowers of our motherland from being tarnished.

If you want to quit smoking, don’t be discouraged. Know why we should quit smoking and the importance of quitting smoking.

We cannot quit smoking without the company of family and friends. After you make plans and goals to quit smoking, you must tell them your determination and plans.

You will definitely encounter difficulties and problems when quitting smoking. At this time, family and friends must give you affirmation and care.

Make sure you stay away from situations and activities that may induce you to smoke as much as possible, such as after a meal or hanging out with friends who smoke.

On your non-smoking days, find new hobbies or activities, such as exercise, reading, or drawing, to replace the time and attention you spend smoking.

In addition, you should consult a doctor to prevent your plan from causing other behaviors that are harmful to your health.

Smoking is harmful to health. I believe you can gain a new understanding of this sentence in the article, which raises its importance to a new level.

Lung cancer is scary, but even more scary is giving up on yourself. If you are not addicted to smoking, please put down the cigarette in your hand. If you are addicted to smoking, I hope you can face it bravely.

Quitting smoking is a long process. Even if you experience relapse, do not feel frustrated or defeated. Instead, start the quitting process again immediately.