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RE: The History Of Vaccines - The Goddess Shitala and The Prussians

in #health7 years ago

That is very conflicting article. In India, there are still many superstitions associated with vaccines, there exists different Gods and Goddess with different disease and surgeries. Due to these superstitions we lose s great number of lives not taking any medication just relying on some hypothetical power to heal them up.


In India living conditions are tough as well, especially in the over crowded cities. Your country is huge with a diverse population and 1000s of different religions and many can't make a living. The Western World was basically the same until we cleaned up the poor areas and provided clean water, sanitation, well paying jobs, freedom for small business to grow and flourish, along with healthy cheap food.

Now our food isn't that healthy and our infrastructures are decaying, our medicine is toxic along with just about everything else and we are going backwards regarding our populations overall health. A lot of our science has been taken over by people with an agenda that don't want health they just want profit and control.