The History Of Vaccines - The Goddess Shitala and The Prussians

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Who Was Edward Jenner?

The Father Of The Modern Day Vaccine Movement

No Medical Degree No Problem

Back in the late 1700s it was easy to get medical qualifications to become a surgeon. At age 16 Edward Jenner studied under a prominent surgeon Dr. John Hunger. At 23 Jenner moved back to his small town and started his practice as an apothecary and a surgeon for 17 years with no degree. Three years later he applied to St. Andrew’s University for an M.D., and back in this days the University for a fee would give out degrees for a small fee. I am sure that the University felt Jenner had enough experience after 17 years of practice. Later on in life Jenner after his fame and fortune made selling vaccines as mandatory making the government a fortune he was given an M.D. by the University of Oxford.

Superstitions Are Okay For Vaccines

Shitala the goddess of sores, ghouls, pustules and diseases<

Edward Jenner founded his theory of immunity on an old superstition from dairy maids to Goddesses they acquired immunity from touching the infected teats of cows and infecting people with smallpox using Shitala the Goddess of Smallpox as an example. Although cowpox only infects females cows that are lactating. Smallpox pus was already being used to inoculate people who were healthy so they would catch the disease and have the strength to fight it off, many didn’t survive the infection. Jenner wanted to try the superstition out and find if there was any truth to the superstition. He inoculated a boy James Phipps with lymph from a vesicle on the hand of a dairymaid suffering from cowpox in may of 1796. In July of the same year he inoculated the same boy with smallpox by the Suttonian method. There was no evidence this method worked. James Phipps died at age 20, having been inoculated with vaccine each year! Jenner’s own son died at 21, also revaccinated over and over.Jenner then claimed he had discovered a less dangerous way of inoculating and providing immunity through the use of of cowpox even though at that time there was no way to prove that the pus on the milkmaids hand was cowpox or Syphilis or other dreadful diseases. He covered this confusion up giving the whatever was in the pustules from horses, cows, and humans he used as inoculate humans Variloae Vaccinae, which means smallpox of the cow.

Jenner's cowpox vaccine in light of current vaccinology

There is Money In Vaccines

Jenner went on to promote his vaccination method going to Parliament several times until he was awarded £30,000 in grants for his new methods that he had perfected and the people from across social strata flocked to be vaccinated and finally be free from the horrible disease that killed 10 percent of the population as it circulated through the towns of Europe every few years until it burned itself out. There were skeptics that asked for more proof regarding Jenner’s claims. Jenner couldn’t show exact proof, some of his patients survived the vaccine and that was proof that his method had protective powers. I will be writing more about the money and power of vaccines in my next paper. I needed to write more in-depth about vaccine history first.

Why Were Horse Grease And Cow-Pus Accepted So Easily?

What is interesting to me was how easy Jenner’s theory was accepted. Maybe medical knowledge regarding causes of infections weren’t well known. I mean how gross is it to share body fluids with animals and other people? Back in the nineteenth century and unqualified country apothecary that had very little evidence of proof regarding his experiment seems like a fairytale. Jenner used his amazing discovery to wrangle a fellowship from the Royal Society as well. Back during that time people were into the Spiritualist movement as well talking with mediums who contacted the unseen and were not as jaded as people of the 21 century. We've seen everyone and are starting to understand how manipulated we have been.

Now when scientist look back at Jenner’s life and practice I would think they would be dumbfounded and call the guy a scam artist. But as you see vaccines are still all the rage and full of all sorts of nasty toxic substances. Jenner used a lot of different body fluids form all sorts of animals and people. In 1796, Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine consisting of pustular material obtained from lesions on cows affected by so-called cow-pox. The disease, caused by cowpox virus, confers crossprotection against smallpox. However, historical evidence suggests that Jenner might have used vaccinia virus or even horsepox virus instead of cowpox virus. Mysteries surrounding the origin and nature of the smallpox vaccine persisted during the 19th century, a period of intense exchange of vaccine strains, including the Beaugency lymph. This lymph was obtained from spontaneous cases of cow-pox in France in 1866 and then distributed worldwide. A detailed Historical Review of the distribution of the Beaugency lymph supports recent genetic analyses of extant vaccine strains, suggesting the lymph was probably a vaccinia strain or a horsepox-like virus. This Review is a historical investigation that revisits the mysteries of the smallpox vaccine and reveals an intricate evolutionary relationship of extant vaccinia strains.

Revisiting Jenner's mysteries, the role of the Beaugency lymph in the evolutionary path of ancient smallpox vaccines.

Prussia Vaccinates Everyone, Again, Again, And Again!

Time to take a look at a country that had forced vaccination back 1834, twenty years before England started it’s compulsory vaccination. Prussia behaved in military fashion regarding it’s vaccination program. Every child had to vaccinated many times. First when when the child was born then when the child started school, the child was revaccinated when starting college, with every college there was another vaccination, again another revaccination if the person entered the army. Which meant every male in Prussia was vaccinated many times over. If a person refused vaccination they were held down and forcefully vaccinated. Around 1871-2, 35 years after the Compulsory Vaccination Act Europe was hit by small pox epidemic and over 124,978 of Prussia’s over vaccinated population died, that’s not including it’s solders who were off fighting a war. This was the time of the Franco Prussian war and I read that the well vaccinated Prussian solders lost 430 solders to smallpox while France lost over 20,000 solders. But from different reports I found Prussian solders that caught the pox were in highly contagious areas. The reason small pox spread so fast throughout the Europe was because of the train system. But they didn’t add the horrible conditions of the prison and refuge camps and the poor people fleeing war torn areas were starving and overwhelming stressed. Which I read from many sources is the primary cause of most diseases. Poverty, unsanitary living conditions, and people crammed together without anyway to stay clean.

Prussia woke up to the fact that vaccines didn’t work. The country installed clean water and sewer systems throughout the country. They got rid of barracks for their solders that packed them together like sardines and built spacious sanitary barracks. And the smallpox completely disappeared. Throughout Europe after the last horrible outbreak of small pox the infrastructure of the European cities were cleaned up and living conditions improved for the poor and impoverished.

There Is a LOT of conflicting Information

Every recruit that enters the French army is vaccinated. During the Franco-Prussian war there were twenty-three thousand four hundred and sixty-nine cases of small-pox in that army. The London Lancet of July 15, 1871 said: Of nine thousand three hundred and ninety-two small-pox patients in London hospitals, six thousand eight hundred and fifty-four had been vaccinated. Seventeen and one-half per cent of those attacked died. In the whole country more than one hundred and twenty-two thousand vaccinated persons have suffered from small-pox . . . Official returns from Germany show that between 1870 and 1885 one million vaccinated persons died from small-pox.

Vaccination: A Mythical History ~ by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries MD

The history of vaccines with cool timelines.

Vaccination policy against smallpox, 1835-1914: a comparison of England with Prussia and Imperial Germany

Hadwin Documents

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That is very conflicting article. In India, there are still many superstitions associated with vaccines, there exists different Gods and Goddess with different disease and surgeries. Due to these superstitions we lose s great number of lives not taking any medication just relying on some hypothetical power to heal them up.

In India living conditions are tough as well, especially in the over crowded cities. Your country is huge with a diverse population and 1000s of different religions and many can't make a living. The Western World was basically the same until we cleaned up the poor areas and provided clean water, sanitation, well paying jobs, freedom for small business to grow and flourish, along with healthy cheap food.

Now our food isn't that healthy and our infrastructures are decaying, our medicine is toxic along with just about everything else and we are going backwards regarding our populations overall health. A lot of our science has been taken over by people with an agenda that don't want health they just want profit and control.

What is interesting to me was how easy Jenner’s theory was accepted.

I am with you there. From what you have shared, there does not seem to be many facts he was able to present other than a few “success” stories.

The results with Prussia’s troops is evidence enough that taking necessary precautions rather than putting unnecessary toxins in the body are sufficient for healing.

There is much more to this story, I think historians made up a lot of the more positive press so the government could make a ton of money pushing vaccines. I am trying to gather more facts on this besides one or two speeches given by several doctors around 1910. What happened back then is happening right now...It's kinda weirdly chilling.

That is weirdly chilling. The same tactics worked then so why not try again?

I didn't know history of vaccines and your easy writing style made it all the more comprehendable. Good job

I've just touched the tip of the iceberg regarding information that isn't easy to access and there is so much information! It's hard to sift through all the bias, people's reputations are on the line regarding the pro con arguments with vaccinations.

You are right. And all of these biases make it very difficult to differentiate right from wrong. It must have taken a lot of your effort to gather all of this information. Commendable!

Writing isn't easy for me, I've tried to avoid it most of my life. I would rather spend my time painting, I promised a friend I would write about this subject over a year ago. I keep my promises.

I am sure your paintings would be as thorough as your article.

I did not know these details, now I can boast with knowledge, 90% of doctors do not know this.

Many doctors know that vaccinations don't work and you have to keep revaccinating the population because there is no long term immunity from vaccination. Many doctors also know that vaccines are spreading diseases and ruining people's immune systems.

It's a big truth, unfortunately

Hang all the control freaks!!

I wish my friend!

how they do it without these new and advanced things @reddust and also a good post to some diffrent from ur other posts about history and i think british princes system start many wars and that time the mostly of the world under the british government system

Governments in general tend to grow into monsters. The biggest murderers of the general population in the world are governments. Instead of genocide mass murders caused by governments is called democide.

nice to share some about vaccines and gain my knowledge about its history but 2000 years ago i see the world population is so small reason only the death of many many people in battles they dont have any meziles and atomic but they start war and finish it when the all people finish

Most diseases are caused by stressful overly populated squalid living conditions and poor nutrition.

Great history knew nothing until now.... thanks :)

Wow nice blog link ,you can also follow and upvote me @horlly that me u can see an inspiring messages about love

Really good post bro...!