8 Steps to a Healthier Microbiome Part 1

in #health6 years ago

Hey everyone. Today I will be doing a post of 8 steps to a healthier microbiome. This will be part 1 of 2. Lets get to it...

Step 1: Eat Plant Based Diet with Plenty of Fiber
Fiber in plant foods passes the digestive system until it reaches the colon. Bacteria in the colon then break down the plant polysaccharides through fermentation into short-chain fatty acids, the largest being butyrate. Butyrate is the preferred energy source of cells in the colon and can help prevent colon cancer.

Step 2: Eat Fermented Foods Everyday
Fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria that can help fight against bad bacteria in your gut, resulting in healthier balances of good bacteria in the intestines.

Step 3 Consume Prebiotic Rich Foods
Prebiotics are the fuel source for your gut's good bacteria. They are the indigestible fibers found in plant based foods. Excellent sources of prebiotics include onions, garlic, artichokes, green bananas, oatmeal, and cooked and cooled rice and potatoes.

Step 4: Choose Polyphenol Rich Foods
Polyphenols are micro-nutrients found in red wine, green tea, blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, and dark chocolate that act as antioxidants. They decrease inflammation and stimulate growth of beneficial bacteria while inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Well there you have it for now. This was part 1. Be sure to be on the lookout for part 2 where I will finish the 8 steps to a healthier microbiome. Thanks for stopping by.


Most diseases start from the gut! So important to keep our guts and colons healthy! Fermented foods is a biggie for me. I'm not used to eating it and the sour, tanginess gets to me. But I just have to get used to it. I rather consume fermented foods than take a probotic. Thanks for the tips.

Yea it does take some getting used to...fermented foods can be very sour. They taste better if you cut sugar out of your body. Keep at it and you will get used to it.

Very informative stuff

Great article! Looking forward the next parts, because I'm really interested in guts, microbiome and their impact for the health. I think it's really fascinating :)

Awesome! Thanks for the kind words. It's all about the gut!

Excellent info graphics and perfect information you have shared big thanks :)

Thanks for sharing, I am on the lookout for the next part, I never really believed fermented foods do have merits as great as what you have mentioned, Atleast this post will now influence my choice of diet, but there is this question that disturbs alot. These advantageous microbes, how are we so sure that accumulation do not bring effects worse than their deficiency.

Everything in moderation. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, or miso are loaded with plenty of good bacteria. Try 1 to 2 servings a day.

Thank you for the details that you give on how to become a healthy person in this world full of people that are just wasting their lives than to be healthy.

Veri informative news. This is very important, thanks for sharing us. We hope all of usa still in healthy and happiness. God Bless You

nice blog....