in #health7 years ago

It has been established that stress is an integral part of human existence, and that it is one of the most common problems that plague mankind.
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Although the caution light is not usually beamed on stress as it is on other deadly diseases such as HIV AIDS, Ebola, etc., it is believed to be one of the major silent killers that accounts for about 25% of deaths globally on a yearly basis.

In this special health report, the writer examines the concept of stress, its major causes, symptoms and control or preventive measures.

What is Health?

Health is a general term which describes the state in which every human is said to be emotionally stable, mentally alert, physically fit, and socially well-adjusted to himself and others; health is not just the absence of illness.
Health is very essential to human existence which explains why it is commonly said, that health is wealth

As short and as simple as the above maxim sounds, it is all encompassing, as everything that concerns man is his health.

Little wonder then that man is ready to give every other thing for his health. This is evident in the world’s vehement resistance against the various outbreak of the deadly viral diseases such as Ebola Virus among others, which have no known cure yet. Let us take a short journey into it.

In particular, with the news of the entry of the deadly Ebola Virus into the shore of Nigeria, everyone was extremely panic, as a man on whom the death sentence has just been passed.

Quickly, the Nigerian government, wanting to preserve the health of his citizens, put aside every other thing, opened his treasury, brought out money, and went into action to curtail the deadly disease. And even her neighbouring sisters of Sierra Leone and Liberia and other nations also battled to bring the ugly Ebola Virus under control while the whole world is still in search of a permanent cure for it.

This shows how much man values his health.
It kept me wondering aloud:

Could this be the same government that has not been able to solve his electricity issue for years?

However, stress is another health issue that lives with and constantly threatens the life of man, but which usually goes unnoticed because much attention is not given to it.

Why and how it is so, I may not be able to tell, but certainly, what you do not know about stress and its management may be killing you silently! Hence, this write-up. Read on!


According to experts:

life without stress will be dull and meaningless!
Hence, absolute freedom from stress in life is impossible and should not be thought of, for that in itself is a source of stress.
What then is stress? Stress has many definitions and has been defined same.

Here, Stress is defined as the non-specific response of the body to any demand.
In other words, it is a state of mental, emotional, or physical strain or tension as a result of adverse demanding situations

Hence, one can said to be stressed emotionally, mentally, or physically.

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Stress is both positive and negative, but usually, the positivity of stress is often not considered, because when a person is said to be under stress, it is implied that the person is experiencing chronic stress or distress.

So we can speak of people who “love the stress” in their life because it makes them strong and happy.

On that note, Dr. Abravanel, E.D. and Dr. King, E.A, both at the department of psychology in Oxford University have this to say: “If you enjoy the stress in your life, do not be embarrassed, what you really have is experience and activity in life.”

In explaining stress, Andrew, I.O. of the Department of Physical and Health Education at the Delta State University, Abraka, sees it in a lay man's term:

as worry or pressure, resulting from various things and situations in life. Now, pressure as we all know, can be good and bad. On the good side, human need the right quantity of pressure to challenge or motivate them. On the bad side, distress sets in at the point when the pressure we need for motivation goes beyond the point that the average individual cannot cope with.

This point, however, varies from one person to another. What this means is that, what serves as a stress to one person may not be considered, at all, as stress to another person.

This explains why some people are able to cope with great obstacles in life while others crumble in the face of smaller obstacles or situations of life.

Stress therefore, is based on the individual’s perception and understanding of life events, and their ability to withstand those events. The point to remember here is: KNOW YOUR LIMIT.


The situation or anything that causes stress is known as stressor. Stressors are usually seen as being negative, but it is not always so. According to ask.com positive events can also be stressful.

Therefore, anything that puts high demand on you or that forces you to adjust can be stressful. Again, what is a stressor to one person may not be a stressor to another person.
For instance, a person may become tense and stressed in a traffic because he thinks it will make him late for a class while another person may be enjoying the traffic listening to music.

Nevertheless, some major causes of stress are:

  1. Major life challenges.
  2. Work or school.
  3. Relationship difficulties.
  4. Financial problems.
  5. Being too busy.
  6. Chronic worry.
  7. Unrealistic expectations.
  8. Perfectionism.
  9. Pessimism.
  10. Negative self-talk.
  11. Lack of flexibility.
  12. All-or-nothing attitude.
  13. Procrastination, etc.


Basically, experts give five factors that are likely to influence how well or otherwise you can tolerate stress:

  1. Your Support Network:
  2. A strong network base of friends and family can be a great buffer against stress, while being lonely can make you prone to stress. You need not be told then to build a strong relationship network with your family and friends.
  3. Your Attitude and Outlook: People who are positive tend to accept life challenges with a great sense of humour, and see changes as part of life.
  4. Your Sense of Control: If you have confidence in yourself and in your ability to handle events and pressure, stress will be far from you.
  5. Your Ability to Deal with Emotions: If you have mastered your emotions and have learnt to stay calm in the face of anger or overwhelming situations, you will be in a better position to stay free from chronic stress.
  6. Your Knowledge and Preparation: It is better to know your stress limit and be prepared for every stressful situation. This knowledge and preparation will help you to cope with stress better.


The followings can serve as early warning signs that you are under stress:

  1. Memory problems.
  2. Inability to concentrate.
  3. Poor judgment.
  4. Seeing only the negative
  5. Constant worrying.
  6. Anxious or racing thoughts.
  7. Aches and pains.
  8. Diarrhea or constipation.
  9. Rapid heartbeats.
  10. Loss of sex drive.
  11. Frequent colds, and so on.


Scientists believe that, by being faced with any kind of stress, the body reacts just as strongly as if it is facing a life-or-death situation.
Under this situation, the body's stress response becomes switched on And if this continues over a long time, it can lead to so many serious health problems, since stress is said to disrupt nearly every system in the body.


According to a group of scientists in Oxford University, researches have shown that repeated exposure to stress can rewire the brain, thereby leaving the individual to be more prone to anxiety, depression and other health issues. Many health issues caused by or exacerbated by stress include:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Suppression of immune system.
  3. High risk of heart attack and stroke.
  4. Speedy aging process.
  5. Infertility.
  6. Pains of any kind.
  7. Sleep problem.
  8. Heart diseases.
  9. Digestive diseases, and many others.


It is interesting to know that, as much as unchecked stress is undoubtedly damaging, you have a great level of control over it.

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However, some persons deal with stress in ways that only compound the issue. For instance, some persons resort to drink, drugs and other hard substances. And others go into more worrying. Still, others prefer to engage in transfer of aggression by lashing out at other people.

Fortunately, there are healthier ways of managing stress and its symptoms. Managing stress is essentially about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, environment and the way you handle life challenges.

It should however be noted, again, that since everyone has a unique response to stress, different methods will also work for different people, and no single method works in all situations. The point being made here is: learn to try out different methods to see which one suits you and works best under different situations:

Avoid Unnecessary Stress

You can avoid many unnecessary stressors by differentiating between what should and must on your schedule, and also by steering clear of situations or people that stress you out. You should also avoid strong drink and drugs.

Change the Situation

If you cannot avoid the stressors, then try changing the situation by being more assertive and dealing with the issue head on.

Adapt to the Stressor

When you cannot avoid or change the situation, then you should adapt to it by reframing the situation or focusing on the positive side. On that note, you should understand that everything in life will not be perfect. In the words of Peter Marshal: When we long for life without… difficulties, it remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure

Set Aside Relaxation Time

Remember to create time for yourself to relax and spoil yourself. This will keep your mind, body and soul calm. This also include getting a good sleep at night.

Engage in Regular Exercises

You must have heard more than enough on the need to regularly exercise. One of the benefits is that it helps to combat stress by making you fit and at alert to challenges. More so, exercise makes you feel better about yourself.

Eat Healthy Diet

A well-nourished body is more combat ready to face life and its various challenges. In particular, do not skip your breakfast.

Listen to Other People

Do not assume that you are the almighty one thing so listen to others’ advice, including your subordinates. This has a way of freeing your mind, body and soul.

Avoid Being a Professor

I am guilty of this. Do not always want to teach or nurture others by explaining things to them that are not very needful. The reason for this is that, over time you will be expecting them to treat you likewise, but when they fail, because humans are not the same, you will be down in your body and soul.

In line with this, you should not even expect too much from life, or you will be disappointed. This is a common source of chronic stress.

Start on Time

For any task you are given, you have got to start on time to avoid rushing that eventually ushers in chronic stress.

Others methods of controlling stress include being flexible, making your environment as conducive as possible, etc.

And, finally brethen whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent, or praise-worthy, - think about such things.

Other Health Precautions

Men should abstain from sex, not more than once a week, especially as they age, to preserve their sexual fluid and vitality, and their health. Otherwise, they will experience the loss of vigor, potassium and sodium depletion resulting in skin diseases such as acne, dermatitis and hair loss. It also depletes the body of zinc, selenium, and B-complex vitamins.

In all, frequent sex, or loss of sexual fluid, more than once a week, leads to the loss of essential nutrients, and they are hardly ever replaced. Also it leads to Etheric loss
Etheric is an energy that we are born with that is required to live a healthy life. Hence, it is fine to hug and kiss, but orgasm must be limited.

Disclaimer: The last two paragraphs are the writer's personal opinion; they should be taken lightly.

Thanks for reading. Hope this write-up has been very helpful.


@joshuaatbest The worse stress that you can experience in my opinion is burnout. When you become burned out you are at you lowest point in life. Trust me this happened to me some months ago. It was horrible.

But this is what I did to overcome that stress https://steemit.com/life/@humanearl/how-i-played-my-way-back-to-good-health-and-how-you-can-too