My Wim Hof Journey Week 3 Day 4 (best day so far)

Thich Nhat Hanh
With this in mind, I have started my day this time with 4 rounds of conscious deep breathing, I did my push ups as the good boy I am and after that a 1 min cold shower followed by a warm one and 1 min cold again.
This was such an amazing experience today. I made such a jump in my progress. The feeling of beeing "charged" was back, I was relaxed during the retentions and I just feel amazing at the moment. This was one day which reminded me why I was so blown away when I did my first try around one year ago and worh all the disapointments I had in the weeks before in not reaching this feeling anymore.
Round 1 : 1min 23.37 sec
Round 2 : 1min 23,79 sec
Round 3 : 1min 33.96 sec
Round 4 : 1min 19.36 sec
59 push ups
breath motherfucka
I also want to invite you to try it out yourself if you havent yet here is a video were Wim guides somone throw the breathing
Lovin' this :) Really lovin' your journey. Also, I'm doing a series on the top 3 meditations that I have learned. I believe you'll enjoy following it! Hope you it's the best way I can repay you!
I will have look later since you are a pretty good writter I am looking forward reading it.
wow, nice results today!
I am so happy right now, you cant imagine
I am happy man! I can see you re having great results! Congratulations!
Meditation in the snow is obviously very cold. We used to meditate in the cave for up to 3 months for improvement and concentrate on the mind. Good way friend
this is not me, this is Wim Hof himself.
But I would love to try it one day.
3 month meditating sounds really intense. I did a vipassana retreat for 11 days and it was hard for me. Do you have a post or link about your experience or in general?
Yes i have the place. In the big cave on the mountain and my new post on my wall. Just visit my wall. If the meditation of the ritual I can story but the picture does not exist because we can not portrait the spirits that come in our meditation. Just visit @sunbahri
How do you feel after you take a cold shower? I just started a challenge myself, to take 30 days of cold showering. Check out this post:
on somedays they feel brutal
on others they feel pretty good
it depends how I slept I guess.
But if I do the breathing before they feel way better.
sweet! where'd you find this animation?
this is pretty much how I felt
Thank you for sharing this, impeccable timing as I was researching yoga and the next thing was Wim Hof! I'll be watching the video but in the mean time you've been followed upvoted and resteemed. After my 72lbs in 72 days through 72 hour fasts is done yoga, wim hof and weight training will be used to build lean mass.

thanks a lot really appriciated.
I am doing Yoga also. I am thinking about writting about my BJJ and Yoga progress here also as a trainings diary.
Looking forward how you will develop.
Nice progress Blaine! upvoted and followed, I hope the Wim Hof & weight training works out good, I was planning on doing the same myself.
Thank you, the lbs are melting off and I'm not exercising. =)

Amazing results brother! Keep it up. I've been doing the Wim Hof breathing exercises and cold showers as well. Cool stuff definitely feel a difference and haven't been ill since doing this.
how long have you been doing it for?
You are doing the course or by yourself?
Crazy men
searching man.
Welcome to steem it bro I m your big fan
As dutch people we know Wim all so good. Respect for him, and many already found out that it works, After training you will be able to stand cold much more, but also he could learn how to stay under water longer, nice practical things/ways which are easy to follow and learn. It simple works !!
yes and I am happy to see how his method is getting more and more attention.
Its not even beeing in the cold or holding your breath there is some kind of inner grow which is hard to describe.
As you said : it simple works!!