Broccoli did okay

in #gardening8 years ago

Had a bad year for veg but the broccoli's done real good, photo don't do it justice, that's a normal size lighter and a really big Pawa shell ash tray, if you know the size of an umbrella hole in an out door table you can tell its a good size flower head.


Broccolli aka weed ❤❤❤ good post 🚀

That's great that your broccoli grew so well. I enjoy eating the stems if they are healthy. I also like to eat the leaves if they are tender enough. There's a lot of food from a broccoli plant - and all very healthy. I believe there will be side shoots that also grow for a second harvest, after the main head is cut.
You are very fortunate.

Thanks, yes much can be eaten I also eat it all, sweet potato or kumara is another good one, leaves roots and stems can be eaten, one i learnt about recently but quite common is the leaves off the grape vine.

Damn, I hope to have cauliflower grow like that.

Great looking head of broccoli there, it must taste even better when you've grown it yourself.