SteemGC Mid-Week Gaming News! - No Man's Sky, Overwatch, God of War and Very Important Bonus!
SteemGC Mid-Week Gaming News! [May, Week 4] - No Man's Sky, Overwatch, God of War and Very Important Bonus!

Hello, it's @tsukuyomi again! With more news that you might want to know about.
However, before we jump onto the news:
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No Man's Sky announced full Multiplayer for next update.

Image Source: No Man's Sky on Steam
Alongside its release for Xbox One No Man's Sky will have an update scheduled for July 24th, called "Next", and this update had been talked about fo a while, however the game's Co-founder, Sean Murray left this announcement for later, and now it's revealed that the Update will bring along full Multiplayer. No Man's Sky already has a limited kind of multiplayer, but now, players will be able to team up to build and survive together, or actually do whatever players want while being able to fully interact.
Murray talked about being able to have bases and shelters that other players can visit, and these can range from small structures to big colonies that, from what I personally understood will have connections and communication since "everything is online". Personally the whole interview does clarify new features but Murray also speaks of them in ways that could be confusing. Either way, here's the interview if you want to check it out by yourself. In it Murray points out a lot of things that certainly sound very fun and that I'm sure many players are looking forward to.
If you're not a fan of the loneliness that is usual in No Man's Sky and want a more social, vibrant enviroment then mark the date, July 24th, and get on checking this update by yourself.
This will be a free update and it will go live on all platforms simultaneously, including the Xbox One.

Overwatch's Anniversary Event is Live!

Image Source: Blizzard
Wish Overwatch a Happy Birthday because it's turning 2 years this month and Blizzard has a huge Anniversary event in full swing for you to celebrate with them!
First of all, to make it clear, the event is completely live now and it will go on until June 11th, so you have plenty of time to enjoy it. There are new cosmetics, emotes included, seasonal content from last year will be available again in case you missed anything and you want to get it and seasonal brawls as well as Uprising and Retribution will be available. Also, Deathmatch gets a new map, Petra, so be sure to try it out.
All seasonal items will come in loot boxes and upon log in you'll get a Legendary Loot Box that guarantees one Legendary Quality item.
This event is your chance to try out things you might have missed before and get some great new (and old) content

God of War was the Best Selling Game of April, 2018

Image Source: PlayStation
As covered by many gaming websites, God of War wrestled and won its way up to number one on April beating Far Cry 5 (which, to be fair, it's still the best selling game of the year so far) and making Sony and Playstation 4 go up along with it, making them top their respective Publisher and Console dollar sales charts.
However with this also comes Sony's Interactive Entertainment's CEO John Kodera's statement announcing that the Playstation 4 is nearing the end of its life cycle and that in 2021 the company would be thinking about what will come next.
Personally, this seems to imply that no new consoles will be worked on until 2021, as the company reflects on what they need to do to grow further. However God of War certainly gives a morale boost to the PS4 and Sony altogether.

And now for V.I.B.E! Very Important Bonus Event!
Wizards of the Coast announced that the next two Magic: the Gathering sets will take place in Ravnica

Image Source: Wizards of the Coast
Well, I am not sure of how many of you play MTG but this announcement came with all kinds of opinions and before I talk to you all about my own opinions let's see what this is all about.
Wizards announced Battlebonds as the next release for MTG, aimed towards Two-Headed Giant play, which means everything in them is for teams of two to take on opponents, with mechanics that enhance and encourage team work, not the most exciting announcement for me personally but it is what it is.
Now, Guilds of Ravnica and Ravnica Allegiance, the two sets that will come after Battlebonds, are another story. For the basics, they will be released in October of this year and January of next year, respectively and each will feature 5 guilds. If you are an MTG player you might know that the Ravnica plane has been visited twice before, in 2005 with the Ravnica: City of Guilds Block and in 2012 with the Return to Ravnica block, and in the lore of Ravnica, there are 10 guilds, representing the combination of the mana (or land) colors that have always been part of the MTG mechanics, each of these guilds have a personality and an agenda and they all coexist in this plane.
Players have received this announcement with mixed reviews, some say it's too early to go back to Ravnica or that featuring the same lore characters for so long (Jace Beleren, a planeswalker from Ravnica has been in so many of the latest sets that he might as well be the MTG protagonist by now, and he's my favorite planeswalker, but come on) is becoming old and boring, specially with so many other characters that have great potential... and I do agree with that, however, I also side with the other opinions around the subject: Ravnica is an interesting place within the Magic Lore in which very particular playstyles can happen, also, Jace Beleren is from Ravnica (well, not technically but by all means, he is) and he has been the central point for so long that Wizards seem to want to end up the whole immense plotline we've been on in a place close and dear to Jace, a place he understands and in which he holds great power. It all seems more like a logical move instead of just a whim, Wizards knows that they have tons of material to work with, so coming back to this place looks like a wrap up for a collection of things that have been happenning within the Lore for quite some time.
Either way, it still seems exciting and we will have to wait and see what Wizards come up with.

And that is the end for today! Thank you for reading as always and sorry for ranting in the end there.
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very good article @steemgc i am very interested in your articles.and i have all i read. i have upvote and do not forget upvote behind @steemgc