Don't Need To Go After All

in #funny7 years ago

When you take one look inside the public toilet and realize you probably didn't need to go as bad as you first thought

gif from giphy


I've got a buddy who is a gagger, and on one trip in Vietnam we were sitting outside a Bia Hoi place (Cheap keg beer stalls, less than a dollar per glass) and he went inside to take a piss. He came back wiping puke off his shoes because the stench was so bad in the washroom that he threw up on himself. Part of the joys of traveling abroad!

that's what he told you
probably just worked the glory hole a little too hard

Well, especially as tourist, when you have to go, cruising through bar toilets can be life experiences

Yes Well, especially as tourist, when you have to go, cruising through bar toilets can be life experiences

Yeah Well, especially as tourist, when you have to go, cruising through bar toilets can be life experiences

Yes right I've got a buddy who is a gagger, and on one trip in Vietnam we were sitting outside a Bia Hoi place (Cheap keg beer stalls, less than a dollar per glass) and he went inside to take a piss. He came back wiping puke off his shoes because the stench was so bad in the washroom that he threw up on himself. Part of the joys of traveling abroad!

Right I've got a buddy who is a gagger, and on one trip in Vietnam we were sitting outside a Bia Hoi place (Cheap keg beer stalls, less than a dollar per glass) and he went inside to take a piss. He came back wiping puke off his shoes because the stench was so bad in the washroom that he threw up on himself. Part of the joys of traveling abroad!

Keep your eyes shut and don't breath :D

Then you might feel awesome there too Traffy :D


it's hard to pee when the smell is making your eyes water

japan should be clean

Lol, when you see this in a public toilet, you can generally forget why you came here, hahaha

they crawl right up your ass

hell noooo

Lol, that scene forgets why I came in.. :)

when you see 2 gay guys going at it

traf, need to think carefully before you go to such a toilet after all, Lol

can't find the glory holes with all that graffiti

At work, the urinals recently became a hatching area for small flies. I had a flashback to my days visiting the strip clubs.

Right At work, the urinals recently became a hatching area for small flies. I had a flashback to my days visiting the strip clubs.

Well At work, the urinals recently became a hatching area for small flies. I had a flashback to my days visiting the strip clubs.

Better out than in, of toilet I mean

Lol. When you went into the public toilet and were horrified. And you are looking for someone to kill for this horror :)

if you want to do it...
keep calm and see it

so funny ....
great to share

resteem done

Wow fantastic funny..
But I really liked it