Can't Finish Quickly Enough
That awkward moment when you're almost done but the buffering wheel pops up on the porn you're watching
gif from giphy
That awkward moment when you're almost done but the buffering wheel pops up on the porn you're watching
gif from giphy
For a new age kid I'm a little old school
haha just have to make sure to hide it well
You sure have a lot of dick-heads visiting your room, or wait are those just really big penguins?
u're banned from the local library Im guessing?
Don't have that problem...cauze I have a big & hard drive
I Call Her Bronson
ya just wait til the FBI gets their hands on it
it's above avg in size they will need both hands to get a good grip on it
Well that's a tragic form of classical conditioning. Let this gif be a test to see if anyone else has accidentally screwed themselves for life. Grab some tissues just in case.
Nah, I don't play with mac.
Mmmm...rainbow lollipop, porn for gay pedophiles sexymatty?
Hah, someone obviously uses a PC. That's the MAC wheel, but you know that, and are teasing me, and it's working...
Oh, you like gay porn... Good to know. I knew I was barking up the right tree.
flag him matty! flag him!
Don't be like that. We all know you were the only one that clicked on my response to Dan in the other thread
hmm never got that one, i'm less into gay porn tho
@steemnsfw has been edging for weeks to try to turn me.
Once I got similar experience :D Yeah it was really awkward :D
Lol the curse of video buffering
it's too cruel
my internet sucks too
now go into a time machine & try explaining this modern day unfairness to someone in the 80s
haha I would be like you wouldn't believe it, I'm from the future and you can't even rub one out properly. damn videos stop and start all the time from this thing called buffering.
lol, if you drop the word video they be imagining you doing some sort of new polishing techniques with pleasure delays
Then you move the slider left to try and continue the flow

i don't usually shit when i wank
dang male childbirth never look this difficult
This is how the kids are doing it these days. I had to rely on writing 5318008 on my calculator and drawing anime.
ya wanking over the word boobies on our calc were the days
Feels like Australian NBN movie... When they announced it was like...

Years later still, foreplay n still piping...
Lol, this awkward moment ha ha :D
Oh ho fantastic movie