Adult Entertainment
When you're doing porn for the first time and they want you to use a dildo that's the size of your entire body
gif from giphy
When you're doing porn for the first time and they want you to use a dildo that's the size of your entire body
gif from giphy
When you're used to Asian D

But then find out your partner has a hammer
she doesn't seem too bothered
i guess she's into fisting
wonder why you hardly see Asian stars role playing with Mandigo?
the ladies call me chinaman dingo
that's a lie, they don't call me at all
Junk enlargement products are still littered all over pornhub. Just FYI.
It ain't real unless it's black real!
Too bad. Africans and Asians must start cross-breeding. Let's close this dick-gap for the coming generation.
Thank you sir...
Thanks for you...
Hello Holybranches!
Hi there Pea Pea!
Greetings hols

Be smart Traffy, don't go further!
It's like an Asian lady got big Black D!ck in her first night lol :D
yes, definitely just a tip
Lol. It's not a problem, we can always make a dildo cut out :)
damn, i guess that's why you don't want them to be too tight
just imagine that if it was ur dick
Girls are like Anaconda !
They can take bigger things inside than their hole !!
Especially it's not fair for any Asian Girl, cause i have seen in many porn videos 😀
maybe they can just fold it before putting it inside them ^_^
Lol you are right
It’s always a funny story for the future
quite the cinderella story
Hahahaha jumps away but this great one makes me laugh a lot
Thanks @gentlebot
Thank you my dear sir @gentlebot
Ha ha jumps away but this great one makes me laugh a lot really very funny
Very funny
hi @glorimarbolivar!
Thank you Sir
poor kitty, poor actresses, I really feel.... bad for them
ha ha funny
This also works with cucumbers. Lay it behind the cat and watch what happens when the cat turns around ;).