A Woman's Scorn
When your wife tells you how much she hates someone but is all smiles, hugs and kisses when she sees them
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When your wife tells you how much she hates someone but is all smiles, hugs and kisses when she sees them
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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

damn, should have caught that 3rd hand with your penis
Nice idea..

Definitely dude you can see this emotional reactions on your wife's face!
Traffy, check whether same thing might happen or not, when you hug her too lol :D
that's my wife in bed with me too
Many women are so arranged. Smiling in the face and then "accidentally" spilled wine on you:)
it's like when we accidentally forget to pull out
She never smiles at you so the statement is wrong
i'm getting her botox to address that
Women are like that. Fortunately my wife tells me she hates me to my face, so ai know that means she is all smiles and kisses with someone else. Wait a minute...
don't worry
she's just trying to make you jealous
by filing divorce papers and sleeping with other men
Haha the old two face woman, nice to you face then when you least expect it. Off with your head
they're more venomous than any snake
women are the sneakiest creatures on earth
After the guests have left, and the wife begins to tell me how she hates them. Haha
Lol, when my wife hates, she will not only tell, but will show to what extent, haha
LoL traf, sometimes my wife's contempt is as great as her hypocritical smile :D