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RE: Flagging Drama - A Comic

in #funny8 years ago

Yeah, when I get flagged now, I just ignore it and move on. @transisto flagged one of my recent posts and I was like, "Meh, whatever." Another user asked him why he flagged it and he said that the self-portrait of me sort of freaked him out and he didn't think the post should be on the trending page. People are really weird. Best to just move on. Everyone has a subjective opinon as far as posts go and by continually bringing up, one will make bernie even more flag-happy.


People have the right to flag for their own reasons. Steemit is about freedom, but then people get upset when others do what they want. It should balance out if you are doing good stuff. I expect that winding people up will just encourage them to mess with you.

certain people's psychology is wired for that kind of action.