
I have to agree with @steevc below - this special whining is really annoying and boring. AND DANGEROUS for Newbies and the entire PLATFORM! Am really fed up to see tons of these posts now - hey it even inspires so many great other users to write about a flag war between @krnel and some whales such as @berniesanders or @smooth.

What the fuck? Get a life @krnel - when I re-started on steemit I had massive respect about your long and in-depth posts - what you are doing now is not fitting to what I thought! Maybe it is also a psychologic experiment as I sometimes doubt @krnel is serious with his posts? He is way too intelligent from the content of his posts to be serious.

I commented some now but I will just ignore that moving forward #bepositive - peace and fucking accept the rules here - Power is Power and if you have it you are allowed to use it however you want. FULLSTOP.

Better you all enjoy a beer with some nice girls and RELAX!

Wow - @krnel you are an educated person! Thanks for telling me this "you're an idiot stuck in a positivity mask afraid to deal with issues etc" and then blocking me to reply - so WHO IS AFRAID to deal with issues??? Positivity yes but only to a certain extent........

You could also have received "you don't grasp reality", "you're a sad solipsist", "my posts will change the world", etc. Krnel assumes he knows the Truth, and doesn't accept people disagreeing with him, whatever nonsense he writes.
There are a great many reasons for flagging krnel, I particularly can't stand he's more arrogant than me, but I'm not sure flagging his posts just because a drone following makes him a lot of money is one of them.

Thanks for the reply @ocrdu - not saying he ist posting only nonsense but this entire war makes no sense to me and I also hate arrogance in general! Never flagged anyone and not planning to do so as well. Have an awesome Saturday

People crying over making 10x what I get on a post don't get much sympathy from me. Steemit is like the wild west. Sometimes you get ambushed by bandits and they steal all your cattle, but then you may strike gold.

I totally agree @steevc. I think the whining posts are just making it worse for those affected.

The flaggers don't seem to care what they think. Now get off my land!

Haha. I stopped making money on Steemit. But I don't complain XD

After my comment that guy sent me a message with not so nice wording and then blocked me on discord without giving me a chance to discuss which was one of his critique points - i feel reminded of some past platforms i thought i forgot about.....

I love to be positive - strikes me a bit to see such discussion wars on steemit, especially i thought that is a different platform -however i know you can not make everyone happy all the time

sort of on this topic: what happens when you mute someone? Does that prevent them from commenting on your post?

You closed your eyes. You just won't see them.

Great cartoon! Greater comment!

Yeah, when I get flagged now, I just ignore it and move on. @transisto flagged one of my recent posts and I was like, "Meh, whatever." Another user asked him why he flagged it and he said that the self-portrait of me sort of freaked him out and he didn't think the post should be on the trending page. People are really weird. Best to just move on. Everyone has a subjective opinon as far as posts go and by continually bringing up, one will make bernie even more flag-happy.

People have the right to flag for their own reasons. Steemit is about freedom, but then people get upset when others do what they want. It should balance out if you are doing good stuff. I expect that winding people up will just encourage them to mess with you.

certain people's psychology is wired for that kind of action.

Flagged for making me spill my coffee.
Just kidding.

I am so glad I stopped scrolling to read your comic. It's fantastic. I like your tag shitbouttogetcrazy too. LOL

Thanks @merej99. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks @stellabelle! I am fond of this one. I think it turned out very nice, visually speaking.

I analyzed the visual components as well. I do think it's superior as far as in a visual capacity. Do you use photoshop or a vector program?

Depends on the comic. This one is drawn on an ipad and finished in photoshop.

you should have as your tagline: "profiting from other people's drama on Steemit since 2016"

Or on the last line:
I will write 4 posts per day about killing Bernie and Smooth!

Amazeballs! ^_^
Tear inducing comedic comicry as usual!

Lol. Amazeballs!

That term is so funny that I had to Google it. Turns out that amazeballs is like a real Internet thing.
Who knew?

I'm a professional writer so I know ALL the words 😜

I know words, I have the best words

Thanks for the comic relief!

This is the best post that I read about this "hot" issue. I'm relatively new here and I can't say anything about it, but I "surfed" on the net for so many years and every community have the same dynamics between the members. It's a part of the "game". (my 2 cents ^_^ )

I like your post keep up the good work..can you follow me..thank you