
in #freewrite20 days ago


Catching up on all our freewrites! Well, not all. It would take A BIG BOAT to catch up on ALL of them, lol.

I don't know what that means.

You know what's funny? When we used to do them, we'd always use google timer to set a timer. Not always, but frequently. Easy peasy. Search "timer" and then the timer comes up and you can decide how long it is.

And now we have an Alexa. Which we've had for years, but it's been years since we regularly did freewrites together.

What does all of this have to do with A Big Boat? Nothing. But that's the fun of freewrites, isn't it? There's nothing wrong about doing it any old way. It's whatever our brains decide to put on the page.

This is about a big boat. Boats can be small or big. Oh, a yacht. Yes, my kid asked what the most expensive thing in the world is. He asks a lot of questions that don't have easy-to-define constructs. Like, what does that mean, really? There's plenty of things that you can't buy. Are those expensive? The world itself has all the value in the world, so is it the most expensive? There are buildings that cost lots to build, but they aren't for sale, so are they expensive? I settled for this 4.8 billion dollar yacht, which seems like a consumer good, essentially. like, you could commission another one just like it, and it's probably about the same price. Of course, what about commissioning just a bigger building than the burj khalifa. Then you'd have it... but can you sell it for what you paid for it? Is that a part of calculating the expense of something?