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RE: Day 25: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: bubbling

in #freewrite7 years ago

Weekly ranking: 1st @improv (7 in a row); 2nd @brisby (6); 3rd @deaconlee / @dmcamera / @valorforfreedom / @f3nix (all with 5 weekly entries).

Prizes: 1. A copy of the Necronomicon, lined in human leather; 2. A purple squirrel under LSD; 3. A packet of 100% natural bio itching powder made with asbestos.


hahaha You are the best!!! tears are running down my cheeks from laughing so hard :)

Hahah you are too Marianne :-D I was unsure whether to put the itching powder or the lemony lemon alien thingy 🤔

Yes, please! I would like to command the forces of darkness...

Confess @improv, this was your masterplan from the beginning of the freewrite!

Absolutely. I was never secretive about it.

Ha! I'll gladly accept the trippy purple squirrel! I also nominate you to select all contest prizes going forward. You have excellent taste! 😁

Deal! oh by the way, you gladly accepted it only because it didn't enter in your life..still.

I gladly accepted because I want it to entertain my children.


XD there it is! (and it will appear again..buahahah)

Co-copyright with @kate-m .. i think this adorable trippy will pop up again every here and there in the freewrites :-p

Bwwaahahaha!! Perfect! I LOVE it! It is my goal to earn each and every LSD hyped purple squirrel that I possibly can! Molte grazie @f3nix!! (I hope that's correct because I'm very grateful!)

Prego, non c'é di che amico ;-) that's the spirit!

Oh yes!!! Itchy ITCHY ITCHY me 😂

Very creative! You have my mind going in circles now :)

Try to go for 7 in a row..who knows what next week prizes are? :-P