Where To Go Next? Africa or Portugal? Being A Nomadic Family Is Harder Than You Think =)
We are stuck, and we need your help!
We have been travelling around Europe
for the last five years, with our big family in a tinyhouse!
for the last five years, with our big family in a tinyhouse!
Usually, we just go with the flow and see where it takes us, which is so much more fun than making plans, schedules and deadlines which just adds stress and panic to what should be an enjoyable experience for the whole family.

The Flow is Low!
Going with that flow is the only way you know, but what happens when that flow don’t know where to go?
Actually we are hoping our
readers might be able to help us with that one?
readers might be able to help us with that one?
Please Watch The Clip, And Help Us Choose whether we go to Africa for a little Holiday or back to finding land in Portugal.
is a micro-blog by,
is a micro-blog by,
Africa, then Portugal!!! What's the point to choose just one...
Bingo!!! Ladies and gentlemen! It looks like we have a winner!
Good call @elzheimer!!!
Jajajajja!!! Great, so it looks like I might have to pay your ferry???!! Your trip might be compromised.. jejeje, ups!
Enjoy your time guys, you are such a lucky family!
first Portugal....then, Africa
Hmmm..... I'ld have to say Portugal.
But I have a feeling that you are going to choose Africa anyways!
Either way, have a GREAT time!
It's almost as if you know me, anyway it all boils down to what the real boss (Louise) has to say on this matter =)
Haha. You gave it away in the video ... “Daddy wants to go to Africa.”
Kiddies are looking beautifully relaxed. ❤️
Nomad life looks so dull and boring! Ha ha! Except that it actually looks the exact opposite. I am surrounded by freezing cold snow and temperatures of -26°C right now. Yuck!
I think if you want to stretch your legs before settling on some land definitely stop by Africa first. Surfing sounds like a blast! -Aimee
Yes! We are escaping similar temperatures in the north of Sweden. Brrrrr!!!!
Sounds like a great plan! Thanks for the feedback :)
So amazingyour post.I like it
Hi! I think you might have accidentally responded to my comment instead of the post. If you'd like to get in touch with @thetinyhouse you'll want to click on the first "Reply" button at the end of the article. Cheers!
Africa and then back here to Spain! but yeah definitely Africa first, it's the perfect time to go, especially south Morocco, tell Louise there are some beautiful beaches down south xx love to you and all your girls and beautiful boy, we miss ye already xx
Haha! So many choices :)
I have a feeling 'back to Spain' will be thrown in the mix too at some point :)
I heard Portugal is beautiful. I would not think twice what to pick. Have a safe trip!
Yes! It most definitely is, but I think we just want a Holiday before we get stuck into a piece of land.
Thanks for the input @hazel420 :)
Fair enough! You're welcome :)
Africa! Am I first? What have i won? Anyways wherever you may go, safe travels buddy!
Haha! You was first! and the prize is that you get to pay for the boat over there :)
Cheers buddy!
Well, in that case...I heard Portugal is beautifull! ;)
Hahaha! Cheap skate!
You certainly have a nice view out your front door-- I could think of worse places to be "stuck."
As for where to go, I'd vote for Portugal. I think you're far more likely to find someone willing to share a piece of land with you there, and the soil is more fertile and rainfall more ample.
Bright Blessings to all of you!
From a viewer's perspective I've got to say Africa. It sounds like the bigger challenge so it would make for the more exciting story.
How to you get the house across the Mediterranean?
It's just an 8 mile crossing on a ferry =) we could be there in 1.5hrs.
That's why it's so tempting =)
Oh, now that is tempting. No issues about the size of the house?
It's amazing how small and self-contained the Mediterranean is, and yet what a tremendous amount of history takes place there.
Have you guys ever considered getting a sailboat and living on that? It can be a surprisingly affordable way to live. And you learn a ton about physics, geography, navigation, self-sufficiency, carpentry, fishing, cooking...
Your family loves Fun and Adventure!!! Head straight for Africa!! I can see your children really enjoying themselves there!
P.S. Confession: I really want to explore Africa! Why not do that through your family’s eyes!! Hee Hee!! 👀😁😄
Thanks @crosheille
Our kids Love it! And they are never bored. I just hope we can handle them when we do decide to settle somewhere :)
Thanks for swinging by x
Lol that’s a good point! I’m not sure if they will ever get used to being settled :D
My pleasure :)
Seeing you with your children I feel very happy friend. Please select that place which will be the best for your beautiful family and the lovely children. I think Portugal is an European country, so the government system may harassed you for Unschooling. So please select the place where you can find out your every need friend. I wish you all the very best for your beautiful destination.
Thank you @maya7!
If we do go to Africa, it will be for a holiday adventure :)
But we never say never :)