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RE: The Real Truthers List

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

David Icke lies about the Holocaust and perpetuates the myth which has been debunked In a court of law In Canada, there was no millions gassed. Fred Leuchter, a gas chamber expert, testified In a Canadian Court that the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau & Majdanek could not have been used to gas large numbers of people. It's a Talmudic Jewish lie peddled by Khazar, Ashke-nazi demons who follow the Talmud. The real Holocaust, which means a burnt sacrificial offering, was done to the German people when the Rothschild's ordered the al-lies to firebomb multiple German cities Incinerating over a million Innocent civilians, a massacre which continued after the war where German Civilians were beaten, raped, tortured and murdered by the al-lies. This Is exactly what we In the West have been Indoctrinated with by these talmudic, pedophilic, freemasonic, Saturnists, all lies.