The Real Truthers List

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

There Is so many dis-info agents and shills, within the truther community, I felt It necessary to produce a list of the genuine real truthers. The ones that consistently call out the real evil Talmudic Cabal, the El-ites that control NATO, CIA, UN, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Wikipedia, Twitter and the Israeli, US, UK & German
governments ( corporations) as well as the media and the majority of the Corporations In the Western World. So this Is my list of the genuine honest truthers, who do their best to give you the real truth.
You will find many of these on YouTube, but some of the best are being consistently kicked off YouTube, or blocked In many countries and the channels that are on the cutting edge of the present Info war, groups like Abel Danger, you will find on BitChute & their websites.

Vegan Warrior - ( Explains Freemason methods used to control society )
Abel Danger - ( )
Titus Frost -
Asaheim Wulfgard - ( Expert knowledge of Norse Germanic, people )
Politically Incorrect - ( Telling the truth about the NS & WWII )
The Impartial Truth - ( Telling the truth about the NS & WWII )
Ted Broer - ( ( Calls out the Talmudic Kabbalists )
Richard Kallberg - ( ) ( Real Flat Earth Truth )
RichieFromBoston - ( Tells It Straight )
The Last Relevant Sage 2 -
X22Report - ( ) ( The most accurate, up to date, News )
X22Report Spotlight -
Dennis Wise - ( Producer Of The Greatest Story Never Told )
Willem Felderhof -
Adam Kokesh -
Thule Productions -
Herr Nordstorm -
TruthStrem Media -
UK Critical Thinker -
Ken O'Keefe -
Iru Landucci -
Cabin Talk -
The Potters Clay -
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction -
Ron Johnson -
Ditrh -
The Outer Light -
D Marble -
GlobeBusters -
Victurus Libertas -
Santos Bonacci -
108morris108 - ( Tells It Straight )
A Call To An Uprising -
7th Day Truth Seeker -
Ole Dammegard - ( )
QNFee - ( Real Flat Earth Truth )
Antonio Subirats - ( Real Flat Earth Truth )
Beyond The Imaginary Curve -
Eric Dubay -
Odd Reality -
Nicholson1968 -
SGT Report -
HoneyBee -
Blackstone Intelligence - ( Jake Morphoneus )
Arbetarbroder - ( Bitchute )
Bear Aryan -
Scott Roberts -
Jeranism -
Mark Devlin -
Rob Skiba -
Matthew -
Face Like The Sun - -


Thanks for including me. Bless.

Hey David Icke......

David Icke lies about the Holocaust and perpetuates the myth which has been debunked In a court of law In Canada, there was no millions gassed. Fred Leuchter, a gas chamber expert, testified In a Canadian Court that the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau & Majdanek could not have been used to gas large numbers of people. It's a Talmudic Jewish lie peddled by Khazar, Ashke-nazi demons who follow the Talmud. The real Holocaust, which means a burnt sacrificial offering, was done to the German people when the Rothschild's ordered the al-lies to firebomb multiple German cities Incinerating over a million Innocent civilians, a massacre which continued after the war where German Civilians were beaten, raped, tortured and murdered by the al-lies. This Is exactly what we In the West have been Indoctrinated with by these talmudic, pedophilic, freemasonic, Saturnists, all lies.

Most useful list - thanks for sharing @jjyeshua

That's a lot of Flat Earth in the mix there. ;-)
