How to make your own NATURAL YOGURT.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food8 years ago

Very healthy and super easy...You will only need this 2 ingredients

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  • 1 liter of plain milk

  • 1 Yogurt natural without sugar of 120g

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  • In a pot add the milk to heat it.
  • Do not let the milk boil
  • Should reach a temperature of about 60 °C
  • How will we know that the temperature of the milk is right?
  • For those who have a thermometer, introduce it into the milk, until it reaches 60 °C and in that moment remove the milk from the fire
  • People who do not have a thermometer, just introduce the pinkie and count till ten, must endure count up to ten, that means the milk is at 60 °C and it is time to remove from the fire.
  • Add the natural yogurt and stir very well to integrate well into the milk.
  • Place that milk in a plastic container and seal hermetically.
  • wrapped very well in a blanket or a towel, if you can put it in a plastic bag and tie it, so that the heat does not go out.
  • Store in a warm place where there are no drafts, such as the oven or a cupboard, must have a constant temperature of 40 to
    45ºc, stored for 12 hours if you live in a warm place and if you live in a cold place save For 24 hours.
  • After that time the container is removed from the wrapper and the yogurt is ready.
  • Take it to the refrigerator before you consume.

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“Yoghurt processing requires the introduction of benign bacteria from the lactobacillus genus to the bacteria after fermentation are sold under the name "live active culture" (in some countries)”

Enjoy :)

Greetings to all my steemians xx


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