Food is Life - 10 Benefits Of The Orange Peel - You Will Never Throw Them Away Again!

in #food6 years ago

Every time we consume oranges to make juices, shakes, sauces for meat or simply eat it as fruit, we discard the peel because we do not find any use for it.

But this is a big mistake because the orange peel has many properties and can have many uses that you probably do not know.

Orange peels help prevent cancer

According to studies, flavonoids in orange peels inhibit a protein (called RLIP76) that is linked to cancer.

The peels also contain another compound called limonene, which can reduce the risk of cancer.

Other studies talk about the effectiveness of citrus peels in general in the prevention of cancer activities in remarkable ways.

Reduce the cholesterol:

The orange itself has numerous antioxidants that are extremely useful to fight free radicals,

responsible for generating dangerous diseases; But precisely in the carcasses

are the best benefits to reduce the LDL cholesterol that is the one that accumulates plaques inside our arteries and damages the heart.

Improves lung health

Thanks to its excellent vitamin C content, orange peels help to break down congestion and clean the lungs.

Vitamin C also increases immunity, and this helps prevent and prevent lung infections.

The shells can help you expel phlegm by cleaning your lungs. Improved immunity also prevents ailments such as the cold and the flu.

Eliminate acidity:

If you have problems with heartburn or heartburn, nothing better than orange peel to feel good again.

Consume this natural remedy for 20 days and you will notice significant relief from your heartburn

Reduce weight

Orange peels help increase your metabolism and burn fat from your body.

Many medical experts recommend orange peels as a cure for weight loss.

Better digestion

Orange peels have anti-inflammatory properties that help treat many digestive and gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, heartburn and heartburn.

AIDS diabetes treatment

The peels are rich in pectin, a fiber known to regulate blood sugar levels. This can surely help people with diabetes.

Support the healthy heart

Orange peels contain hesperidin, a flavonoid that helps maintain blood pressure and cholesterol.

The polymethoxylated flavones (PMF) found in orange peels also help lower cholesterol more effectively than drugs.

Prevent allergies

Histamines are the chemicals that are responsible for allergic reactions.

Orange peels contain compounds that can help prevent the release of histamines.

Teeth whitening:

If you need to whiten your teeth and analyze the possibility of expensive and tedious whitening first try the orange peel.

Use the white interior of the orange peel to rub your teeth, which in addition to whitening will help prevent tooth sensitivity.


until you become allergic to them...
Which I am.. along with grapefruit...


you can be used with many other fruit instead of also too many good for you .