Cheesecake in a small bowls - Paleo Recipe
Olá meus amigos!
As minhas queijadas em tacinhas já sairam do forno ❤
》Sem Glúten
》Sem Açúcares Refinados
Quem quer receita? ❤
- 2 gemas
- 2 ovos inteiros
- 250g de queijo mascarpone
- 250g de natas frescas
- 2 colheres de açúcar de coco
- raspa de limão ou laranja
- 1 colher de chá de baunilha
- Misturar todos os ingredientes com a batedeira e colocar em tacinhas.
Levar ao forno 15/20 min a 180°C.
Rende 4 tacinhas
Hello my friends!
My cheesecake in small bowls have already come out of the oven ❤
》Gluten Free
》Refined Sugars Free
Who wants the recipe?
- 2 gems
- 2 whole eggs
- 250g mascarpone cheese
- 250g of cream fresh
- 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
- lemon or orange zest
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Mix all the ingredients with the mixer and put in small bowls.
Bake 15/20 min at 180 ° C.
Render 4 small bowls
I want to try this do you have a video on how to make that?!
I want to try this
Do you have a video
On how to make that?!
- shadyshady
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