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RE: The Healthy Benefits of Strawberries | Food News Vlog

in #food7 years ago

hahaha yup pretty much everyday. although I didn't eat them this morning. I ran out of spinach for my smoothies. So I need to go to the store again. There is a farmers market near me, last time I got 8 lbs of strawberries for 2 dollars! lol they were 25 cents a piece. It was amazing. So I just freeze it all and have them in my smoothies. I usually get decent deals on blueberries and blackberries and avocados there as well, also bell peppers are usually like 4 or 5 large ones for a dollar. It is fantastic!


Oh wow that is a steal! Might be worth it for me to make the trip just for that. hahaha

LOL hilarious. haha