Sweet Salami "Betti"
Inspired by the Christmas mood... This is an unusual combination of flavors and aromas.

- biscuits - 250g
- natural chocolate - 100g almonds
- candied orange and lemon peel - 20g
- coconut oil - 1 tbsp
- soy milk - 2-3 tbsp
- unrefined sugar - 3 tbsp
- chopped almonds - 80g
- royal raisins - 50g
- rum - 2 tsp
- vanilla beans - 1/4 tsp.
- cinnamon
- cloves
- cardamom
- ginger
- Blend 2/3 of the fine biscuits in a coffee grinder. Then cut the remaining 1/3 into larger pieces and put them in a bowl to add them at the end.
- Brake the orange and lemon peels into small pieces.
- After that caramelize the sugar and mixed it with the crushed almonds. Wait for them to cool, chopp into smaller pieces and add to the biscuit mixture.
- Add raisins, vanilla and the other spices.
- Melt the coconut oil and the chocolate and mix them with the dry ingredients.
- Finally, add the remaining 1/3 of the crushed biscuits and the caramelized almonds and form in an aluminum foil and refrigerat for 4-5 hours.![Салама-Бети-300x203.jpg]